I can't believe I haven't posted for almost half year. I have been lazy, very lazy. A lot of things happened lately and last week was all about sad news one after another. Someone I worked with passed away last week. I thought it was a joke when I first heard that. Asking everybody that may know to confirm and eventually someone did. His dad tried to wake him up and found him dead. Probably having some heart defect that not know of. Even to this day, I still find the whole news unreal. How could a person my age that just passed away like this? I just got his Linkin request last week. He just started a job. What sadden me the most is his dad was the person who discovered his body. I can't imagine how it feel for a parent. It must feel devastated. And it seemed like bad things all come together. My friend's grandma passed away the day before my coworker. I don't know her personally so I don't have much to say. But it makes me think back to my grandma's funeral. That little lady who took care of us, who constant nagged us, who got sick for so long finally left us. I never saw my dad cried before till at her funeral. Now come to think about, I don't know if he cried when we found out about my mom got cancer last year. He looked very calm the whole time. I was so scared when I went with my mom to do a follow up check this year. I have to keep praying while waiting for her and felt so relieved when she told me she was fine. Cause you never know what could happen. My friend's mom's cancer came back again and this time it is aggressive. I knew how helpless my friend would feel. How you see your mom going thru some very painful procedure and you can do nothing. Nothing but pray. Even praying was scary too, cause you don't know what God's plan is and you just have to trust Him. Trust that His plan is good.