Wednesday, May 30, 2007
My Tuesday ultimate team finally lost every single game this trimester. We will get to move down a division next month. Woohoo! (I am seriously happy about it. We have a bunch of new people and it would be good if we move down so we can work on playing as a team) However, yesterday’s last game was definitely interesting because we were facing our former team. When I first started playing ultimate, I was playing with this team called M. I played may be two years with that team and then my friend decided to start another team. Mostly because some of the guys on M were way too competitive. And that year, the captain left the team and the only one who would step up is one of the super competitive guys. Since both teams played on the same night, I picked to leave for the new team that my friend starting. And I know the new team would be more laid back and focus on having fun instead of just winning the games. In the end, we split into two teams and things got a bit nasty after that. The captains never talk to each other after. In fact, the captain from M pretended not knowing my new team captains. So you can understand why last night was definitely interesting. I almost expected there would be a lot of screaming and yelling. To my surprise, nothing happened at all. There is no screaming or calling names. I wish I could say that we beat the other team and got our revenge. It was in fact the other way around. But it was still a pretty fun game.
Monday, May 28, 2007
People Come, People Go
I had this topic in my mind for quite awhile. I kind of want to write about it but I don't know how to approach it. We always say friends come and go. But if you know you are drifting away from your friends, what would you do? Would you try to make extra effort to reconcile the friendship? Or would you just let it die off slowly? I think I have been doing later one. I would still go to the gathering. But I would just sit there and eat. I don’t care what is going on with people’s lives. And I won’t say what is going on with mine either unless being asked. I would then give a generic answer: alright, good, busy. I do feel bad every time I showed up at the gathering at that mentality, especially once in awhile, my friends like to say "we have been close friends for such a long time" I feel very guilty about it because I can’t say that out loud from my heart. I always wonder if they notice I have been just physically presence. One of the girls got engaged last year and apparently another girl was so happy that she cried when she heard the news. Another friend technically jumped up and down. I just say "congrats" politely. I was just not that excited. I didn't even cry when I heard my best friends got engaged. I was very happy for them. But crying seemed a bit overboard for me. Anyway, the other night one of my friends suggested we should do a speech on the wedding. My immediate reaction was to object. I seriously have nothing to say at all. I seriously drew blank when I tried to think of something to say at all. I mean I could BS if I have to. But I know it won't be from the bottom of my heart. I know it is my problem. And I have been distancing myself. May be I should just stop showing up.
Overly Excited?
My brother is in town this week because of his girlfriend's convocation. Yup, because of the girlfriend, not me. :P I asked him last year would he come back during Easter because I was trying to decide if I should postpone to get baptized till he is back. His answer was he is planning to come back in May and highly impossible to come in April. So I gave up and went ahead with my plan to get baptized in December. Frankly, I am a bit disappointed he can't come, but I guess when it is girlfriend versus sister, the outcome would be very obvious. Despite all the whining, I am glad to see him even though I just went back to HK in November. What I didn't expect is how excited my parents are. First my mom insisted our whole family go to pick him up. The whole time I keep thinking I could just go pick them up easily by myself. But I am not going to argue with my mom on that especially she insisted to go to the airport too. So my brother's flight is supposed to arrive around noon. My parents said they would call me before leaving their house. But I didn't expect they would call me exactly 12:00pm. Keep in mind they live in Richmond and it would take them at most 10 minutes to get to the airport. And they didn't even check if the flight was delayed. My parents were just anxious to go see my brother. I was being the lazy one and sat at home till I saw online that his flight actually arrived. I then left my house to go to airport. I wasn't particular thrilled that I had to park my car to pick him up. I much preferred that he called me after he got his luggage. But oh well. After another hour waiting in the airport, watching my mom walking up and down the hall anxiously to try to find my brother, he finally walked out. My dad then took his camera out. I was like, you got to be kidding me. It wasn't the first time he flew or first time he came to Vancouver. Why are we taking pictures! My friend jokingly suggested that my parents should bring a banner to say "welcome home" to the airport. Now come to think about it, my parents may seriously consider that if they thought of it earlier. I guess that is something I would never understand. :P
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Only Girl
I start to think I am not a girl. Or I should say not girlie. I was talking to one of the teens the other night and she was trying to decide to go to a Christian concert or not. One of her concern is no girls are going. It is not the first time I heard girls saying that. Another girl from my fellowship used to ask if I would join for some activity cause she doesn't like to be the only girl. Somehow I never think it is a problem for me. May be I will try to see if my friends are going. But I never really concerned that I am the only girl in the group. May be if I go camping or hiking, usually I would go with my male friends. So I am kind of used to the fact that I may be the only girl. Even at my previous company, I was the token girl in development for the longest time. Not to mention that all my lunch buddies are guys only. I wonder what my friends' reaction would be if I asked that question next time. :P
Saturday, May 19, 2007
Coffee House
I just came back from the coffee house hosted by the teen group from my church. I am simply amazed how they pull everything together. When I talked to their leaders on Thursday, it sounded like there is still tons to be done. But when I walked in today, I was so impressed. The decoration, the sound set up, the food. Of course all of it was nothing fancy. But they are all done by the teen. The leaders didn't help at all. They sat back and let them organized it. I did hear there was a lot thing done last minute but I think the turnout was awesome. And a lot of people showed up too. I got to say I am very impressed with tonight. When I drove home tonight, I reflected back the outreach event that we organized. May be we adult plan it more nicely and executed it better, but how come we can never get people to come? Isn't that the whole point? Are we just not comfortable inviting our friends? Are we all just too focus of making food or decorating but forgot the main point of these events? My fellowship did a coffee house two years ago. We did have great food and good decoration. But we only have two new people show up. I wonder if we can accomplish something like what the teen had today.
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
A Good Citizen
So I decided to call in ICBC today to report the accident that I saw last night. I am not sure it would help, but at least I did my part. One thing I don't like calling in ICBC is their phone menu. They should have a witness option. I don't even know what I should choose. (Pick 1 to file a claim...errr..not my claim..2 if you are from a repair shop..errr) After randomly picking the "Other" option and on hold for 15 minutes, I finally talk to a real person. The first thing I said is, I am not sure this is the right number to call, but I witnessed an accident last night and this was what happen. Here is our conversation:
ICBC: So do you have the license plate down?
Good Citizen: Err...I took a picture but the resolution was so bad that I can't tell the license plate now
ICBC: Do you know the make or brand of the car?
Good Citizen: Errr....does it help if I say the black car hit the white car?
ICBC: (damn this stoopid girl) Do you remember what part of the car contact the other car?
Good Citizen: (looking at the picture taken by the phone and VERY clearly described the contact point between two cars)
ICBC: (still shocked that there is actually some details to this incident) So here is what you said happen... (and repeat what I told him earlier)
So the ICBC personnel said they will put me on file as witness. But since I don't have more detail on the accident, they can't tell if someone has reported this or not (apparently there is no such thing as listed by location and time) And next time it is probably a good idea to put my contact on the car in case they do want a witness.
ICBC: So do you have the license plate down?
Good Citizen: Err...I took a picture but the resolution was so bad that I can't tell the license plate now
ICBC: Do you know the make or brand of the car?
Good Citizen: Errr....does it help if I say the black car hit the white car?
ICBC: (damn this stoopid girl) Do you remember what part of the car contact the other car?
Good Citizen: (looking at the picture taken by the phone and VERY clearly described the contact point between two cars)
ICBC: (still shocked that there is actually some details to this incident) So here is what you said happen... (and repeat what I told him earlier)
So the ICBC personnel said they will put me on file as witness. But since I don't have more detail on the accident, they can't tell if someone has reported this or not (apparently there is no such thing as listed by location and time) And next time it is probably a good idea to put my contact on the car in case they do want a witness.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Sunday, May 13, 2007
Early for Church....Almost.....
I "almost" arrived at church early today. I am usually pretty bad about being on time on Sunday. I think I had only been on time less than 10 times last year. But today, today I almost arrived early. Almost. So this morning, I was still dreaming and turning side on my bed. For no reason, I opened up my eyes and saw my alarm clock said 8:47am. Since the Sunday service starts at 9:15am, I am pretty much screwed. So I quickly rolled out of my bed and rushed to the shower. By the time I was done and checked the time again, it was 7:00am!!! I was like WHAT THE!!! Then I realized that it must be just 6:47am when I checked my alarm clock. Since I am pretty much blind without my glasses, it is totally possible I mis-read my clock. Now I have 2 hours to get ready, eat breakfast, and go to church and would still be earlier than the worship team. Since I have so much time now, I figure I would do my devotion in the morning and watched a bit of TV before getting out the door. But do I underestimate my sleepiness?! I quickly passed out on my couch again (and without setting an alarm!!!) The next time I opened my eyes, it was already 9:00am. And I end up being 10 minute late again. :(
Mother's Day Dinner

Friday, May 11, 2007
If someone ask you, do you think I am so-and-so kind of people, how would you answer? Or they ask you "people think I am so-and-so, what do you think?" The way that person phase the question is expecting you to agree. If you actually don't think so, would you speak your opinion? I actually lied when I got asked last time. Someone asked if I think he is a trustworthy person and my immediate reaction is "No, I don't trust you" but that would require some confrontation/explanation, and I am not ready to do so with someone I don't know well enough. So I decided to lie. I felt bad but then I really don't know how to answer. If the question is from a friend, I probably would give an honest answer. What would you do?
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Ulti Season!
I can't believe I didn't post for a week. I have been crazily busy at work. But last two days, I didn't bother to stay overtime cause it is ulti-season! Somehow I feel very devoted to ultimate this year and signed on for two teams. The worst part is back to back, Monday AND Tuesday. I really don't know what I was thinking when I signed up for the team. Monday team is a new team I started playing with. I played with them in the fall, but that is only half the regular team. I was kind of nervous cause I haven't played and I haven't exercised for so long. I almost passed out during prat ice the week before. It actually wasn't too bad. When I woke up today, my body wasn't super sored. I was quite happy about it. But man, am I wrong! I played again tonight and my whole body was super tired after the first game. My right arm is tired and sored. I can't really lift my arm now. I am not looking forward waking up tomorrow. But I am sure glad both of my teams are pretty fun people. Especially my Tuesday team. This is the team I have been playing ever since I started playing ultimate. But this year half the girls are new. I was kind of anxious about the team dynamics. But the turnout is actually pretty good. I am looking forward to this summer. :)
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