It is that time of the year again, wedding season. Meaning, evil couple figure that they can steal my money by claiming to 'share their happiness'

. Some even meaner people think that you are their friends mean that they can slave you. So far, I have been maid of honour twice and sister once (note: sister is sort of like a bridesmaid in Chinese wedding. Though you don't need to wear same dress as the maid of honour, you still get your portion of slavery.) Here is my latest success in this maid of honour industry that will make you think twice before asking me to help out.
I was the maid of honour for my friend whose wedding was held in Hong Kong. Since she always is a procrastinator, no word can describe how crazy it was on the day before her wedding. I was like her "ah say" (note: servant/slave) running around with her to pick up dresses and doing last minute stuff. (note: To make it more fun, I don't really know my way in Hong Kong.) By the time we got to sit down and eat, it was already 10pm. I stayed over at her place that night and right before I went unconscious, she told me that she and her fiancee agreed on red pocket money amount and asked what I think. That was the last thing I remember (I vaguely remember I told her to tell other sisters tomorrow but I am not sure did I really say that).
Next morning was chaotic. People were late. We had to rush everything. When we got the red pocket, the photographer told us to open it and it was only HKD20. So we knew that one was not real one. (note: There is no rule on how much it should be, but HKD20 is definitely too little money.) So we yelled at the groom for a bit and he gave us another one, we opened it and we saw a pile of paper money of different currency. We assumed this one was correct and opened the door.
When we were preparing the banquet place, I figured since no guests arrived yet, I should bring the door money and divided among the sisters. Then, the best man told me he was surprised we accepted that cause apparently that was NOT the correct one still!

I was sooo shocked to hear that. Apparently, they had 3 red pockets ready. The first two were fraud. They were trying to trick us and see if we can do calculation for exchange rate quickly. See, this whole set up is based on the fact that we KNEW how much we should get. But none of us do! (Well, a half sleep maid of honour is not a good listener.) I was sooo upset that I hunted down the groom to get our money back. The groom calmed me and said we would settle after the wedding. Deal! So I walked back happily and was going to explain to all the girls what happen.
But I got stopped by the photographers and wanted me to find out where they should sit. After settling a thousand different things, I found myself empty handed! No more red pockets!

I felt very bad because I don't know my friend's sisters that well and I felt that I scammed their money. I was going to email them and explain everything and take the money from my pocket. Then, I got a call from my just-married friend laughing like crazy and thank me for my extra gift. Apparently smart me, while running around like a headless chicken (note: If chicken is pink, that would be me that night.) put the red pocket on the reception table. And the reception girl thought it was part of the gifts and give it back to my friend!
hahahahaha...kahkahkahkah..... speechless...
I don't want to finish this post because my wedding is coming up and I don't want the negative feelings.... so....
zoom....zoom... zooom.....
Haha.. I can't believe that you were fool by my husband!!! And then found the "won" (Korea dollar that worth about $600HK) on my desk after the wedding!! I think you guys were really "cheap labour" that flew all the way from Vancouver! I think he owes you guys a very big "people love" (means big favour in Chinese) that he can never return! And of course I have to thank all of you guys again!!
Honestly, I have to defend my husband that it's not really his fault, as I have sent you guys the pocket money for so long, yet no one have picked it up yet! I think my mom have already used up those money for her mj bet! :)
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