I went to a friend's fellowship tonight. I have always want to go to a different fellowship or church to see how things in other place is. My friend's church is extremely closed to my place. It is almost very tempting to switch church. The fellowship is very different than what I used to. First, it is a Cantonese fellowship. Everything is in Chinese. I don't really know how to read Chinese bible. Like computer, I only know those term in English. The discussion could be a challenge. Second, the format is different. My fellowship is usually in a more cozy environment and it is more sharing and chatting. This fellowship is at a church. It is more to the point study. I guess may be because my fellowship was doing a book study so you can add more personal opinion or experience on things. When it comes to bible study, it seems to be more to the point of studying. There is not much sharing you can do. Though I did learn something, but I don't really like spending an hour on studying a passage. It was more dry than I expected. And they also have song worship before discussion started. I never did that in my fellowship. Not to mention that I don't know any Chinese worship songs, except the one and only that I heard in my friend's wedding. Somehow the Chinese worship song sound weird to me. I guess I am more used to English worship song. It sure is interesting to see how other fellowship work. I don't think I want to commit to it though. I may just drop by whenever they have interesting event instead.
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