This is a Chinese style crepe I got from the street. They wrap some crunchy stuff inside the crepe and put lots of sauce in. Yummy breakfast for freezing morning.

I ordered this noodle from a Muslim restaurant (I went in for the lamb kebab). This tasted a bit like noodle with very watery tomato sauce.

Mushroom with pine nut from Quanjude restaurant. Very tasty but I wonder if they used duck fat to add the extra tastiness :)

It is sushi. That is right. I ate sushi in Beijing. This was my dinner after meeting with my cousin. He suggested several places around his university. Since I wanted something light, I went to a Japanese restaurant. I ordered a salmon don and hoping that it would remotely taste something like Maruwa. And it was not. It had no taste at all and was expensive. The beer was cheap though (only RMB 12 for a big bottle of Asahi). I found out later that this was not the restaurant that my cousin recommended. Oh well, too late.

And I had Korean food in Beijing :) I found that I was a bit tired of Chinese food but I don't know if I could find good western food in China. I was actually craving for a grilled cheese panini when I found this Korean restaurant. Turned out quite surprising good. I ordered a spicy tofu hotpot and it was pretty yummy. Warmed me up to finish my walk.
speaking of korean food in beijing, i saw this blog post the other day and thought of you, but figured you wouldn't want to eat korean food while in china. ;)
Saveurs de Corée (Korean Bistro)
Address: 29, Nanluogu Xiang, Gulou Dongdajie, Dongcheng District, Beijing, China 100009
Tel: +86(10)6401-6803
Website: saveursdecoree.com.cn
hehe... why would you have japanese and Korean food in Beijing?? >_<
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