Sometimes the 'recall' function could be useful, if it works. On Friday I got an email from random customer asking about some testing tool that my company used. I was quite surprised to get that email at first cause I don't usually get external email from customer. As I scroll down the email, I saw he originally sent to my manager who is in the office this week and has my email address in his away message. I don't know how to deal this so I asked another friend. He told me to try to get a hold of my manager first (who does check email occasionally). So I forward that email and add a comment saying "What the hell you want me to do with this" and some swearing for putting my name in his away message (You can't really blame me to be rude to my manager, for all this week, he kept telling me how much fun he is having and how much beer/whisky he has been drinking while I was working like crazy!) But then I change my mind and just write "What should I do with this?" and send the email. The moment I clicked 'sent', I realized that I didn't forward the email. I REPLIED! I was in so much shock that I did that! After sooo many years working in technology industry and I HIT THE WRONG BUTTON FOR EMAIL!!!! Now I am so glad that I didn't write the rude version of the email. And it was too late to recall the email. I immediately write an email to the customer to apologize, trying to explain that I wasn't being rude. I just hit the wrong button. It is good that he understands. I felt so dumb and embarrassed now. There is a good reason that I don't deal with customers. I almost want to call it a day cause I figure I must be too tired to make such a stupid mistake. I want to cry!!!
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