Why does God let bad things happen? This was the topic of my last week Sunday school. I know there is no answer to this. Not that we know of at least. We can always explain that God must have a plan and just that we didn't know. But I always think that was because it didn't involve people we know. Now we can sit around the TV on our couch and comment because we were not personally involved. If it was my parents or my friends over in Asia when the tsunami happened, I don't think any explanation will stop me from blaming God. I can't see why I won't be angry with Him. I know when we said we have to have faith doesn't mean we don't care. But for the people whose family or friends were lost, no word can comfort them. I can imagine if that happen to my family, I would be so mad at God that I think I will walk away. What is the point to be faithful if He took away the people I love the most. I know being a Christian doesn't mean my life would be trouble-free. I will live happily ever after. But if He knows those are the people that I love so much and still take them away, I don't think I could forgive God. How could I even tell myself that He has a plan and his plan is good and that involve taking away people I loved. My pastor said God would never put burden on us that we can't carry thru. When we were in trouble, God knows that we can get thru it. He will not give me more than I could handle. I will have strength and ability to handle the situation if that happen. I only hope my pastor is right about that.
The problem is in how you framed the question. God does not 'let' bad things happen at all. The world is what it is, and that sometimes means it's filled with dangers. This is partly because life, as prolific as it is, is also still relatively fragile.
The consolation is that when disaster strikes, at least you know you will never be alone.
Further to that thought, if you are going to build a waterfall, it is understood that some fish aren't going to survive going over the edge. That doesn't make the waterfall evil.
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