I went to a bubble tea place on the weekend which turn out to be quite interesting experience. You are thinking, "How interesting can a bubble tea place be? You almost can find 5 bubble tea places in every block in Richmond." Here is how it all started. So I was meeting up with my friends on Sunday for bubble tea. We walked in and the lady in the front desk asked if we have made a reservation. I thought "That is weird. Never heard that you need to make reservation for bubble tea before." So we said no and she said it would be 20 minute wait. Since we were still waiting for our friends, we figured it was fine. And then a waitress walked by. My friend immediately said, "We are staying and wait for a table. We are not changing places." Why? Cause that waitress was wearing a french maid uniform. We were all surprised to see that. So after we sat down, we were all very busy looking around. Except the front desk lady, all the watiresses dressed like a french maid. And the dress isn't very long so they can't really run or bend down. And half an hour later, one of the waitresses changed uniform. She now wore a traditional Japanese dress but then the dress was a miniskirt. So all of us were like "Wow, do they change uniform every hour? Should we order more food so we can stay longer and see how many uniform are there?" We are in this big dilemma how long we should stay. Later we found out from the newspaper posting at the front door that this place is actually a cos play cafe. They only have 3 uniform so far: a school uniform, a french maid and Japanese skirt. The owner was hoping to get more uniform later, like sailor moon ones. Definitely interesting experience, but I am not sure I would go back though.
If you don't know what cos play is, here is the definition from wiki:a contraction of the English words "costume" and "play", is a Japanese subculture centered on dressing as characters from manga, anime, tokusatsu, and video games.
that is.... weird.... *-*"
is this the same cosplay place? the interior looks pretty fancy schmancy!
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