Somehow I think God keep teasing me today, or last few days. As I mentioned before, I am helping my church to organize a team to go to Peru. Though even from the beginning that I doubt we can find a team of 15 people, I am still highly disappointed that only 4 people can commit so far. Originally I have about 10-11 people said they are interested, but then they start dropping out either because of vacation or money issue. While I can understand that, I am still abit upset. My original thought was to still go but joining with other people no matter what. But some guys think it already defeat the purpose if we only have 4 people to go as a church team. So I was going to email the team and see what they think tonight. While I was sitting on my couch procrastinating on writing the email, 3 more people told me that they can join but depends on the date. I can't help to think, seriously God, do You want me to go this trip or not. If this whole process is just to teach me to be patient, it isn't working well cause I am getting more impatient. If You want to tell me that You are in control, then at least tell me what You want me to do! I want to get this trip going and it doesn't seem like so. And when I was going to cancel it, then more people said they can. I am really not sure what I should do now. I feel like having an anxiety attack. :(
Being an event organizer for anything is never easy, let alone the task that you are taking on. I admire your courage! Keep it up, don't get despair just yet.
wait a minute!! wait a minute!!!
god reads blogs?!?
oh man, I am in truouuu-ble!
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