Sometimes I really don't know how to behave as a Christian. Should I just don't do anything fun? Cause they may be sinful? A friend from church watched the movie
The 40 Years Old Virgin and she said it was pretty funny but not suitable for everybody. I told her I have very high tolerant and I probably will find it funny as well. But they also said our pastor may not recommend we watching it because of some of the jokes. Does it mean I shouldn't watch it as well? Even if I don't find the joke offending? Exactly how should I behave as Christian? All uptight and conservative? In my friend's wedding, he put me at one of the rowdier table. I sure had fun that night cause my friends and I went crazy and making so much noise. After that, I wonder if I suit for what called a Christian behavior. It is in the bible that our behavior should glorify God, but what is that say about day to day behavior? What am I supposed to do or not to do? Am I not supposed to joke around? A friend told me that Catholics has a book of accepted behavior. It is a guideline what is allowed or not. May be it is easier to be a Catholics than a Christian. At least I know what is expected from me officially, instead of varying between people.
trust me, you don't want to follow the catholics' rules for living. it's even more restrictive than what you're following now. although, there is one little loophole... you can actually sin all you want, as long as you go to confession and tell a priest about it. then you're off the hook for all those sins.
The lesson is to watch the movies you want to watch before your Christian friends. And if you are bad enough, always tell your friends the movie is really really funny but your pastor may not recommend it.
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