Out of town for two weekends in a row made my house a mess. My unpacked luggage is lying everywhere. So I decided to deny my friend's invitation to go camping this weekend and cleaned up my house instead. Besides, I had a wedding to go to on Monday anyway. I may as well take some time to rest. When a friend from church invited the girls to stay over at her place last night, I wasn't very keen cause I kind of miss my bed from the previous weekend. And I was kind of sick of packing again anyway so I decided to just go hang out and go home afterward. But poor me, in the end got cornered and forced to stay overnight unprepared, no sleeping bag, no change of clothes, no nothing. Well, only thing I really need is to take off my contact lens and my friend did have solution to spare me. And she lent me her sleeping bag and pajama. So I end up camping in her house. It wasn't too bad cause I would just go home to fix up myself the next day. Four of us chatted till very late. I don't even know what time it was when I passed out. I always enjoy a good conversation and it sure was fun, despite the last min camping experience.
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