Well, everybody knows anyway, it is my birthday today. A friend asked me if I am happy for my birthday. I really don't know how to answer. I am not excited like a kid anymore when I have my birthday. It is actually kind of sad to grow old (and people around you keep reminding you indeed are old) But I sure am happy to have so many friends with me on my birthday. For me, birthday becomes an excuse for my friends to gather for dinner and a reminder how much I already have. I surely feel blessed to have so many friends. There is no crazy partying and heavy drinking this year. I just want a small and cozy gathering with my friends. When one of my friend asked where to eat, I said I don't even mind to eat at his place. I just want to chat with my friends in a relaxed environment. His wife end up making us dinner (she never cooked for us before so we were risking our lives......hehehehe) and end up cutting her finger. And I got a lot of calls and text messages from friends today. What make me happiest is my brother called tonight. I was sort of expecting him call me last night cause he usually called at mid-night to wish my happy birthday and make sure I am safe and not drunk (that is only because he got drunk on all his birthdays and thought that I would do the same thing!...soooo not!) But I am still very happy to hear from him and we chatted for a bit. Things hasn't been very smooth for him lately in HK but I know he will get thru. And thanks to my best friend, most of my birthday present are wine related. I got a wine opener, a set of crystal wine glasses and a wine stopper. I think she really helped strengthen my alcoholics image. Hehehe..I think I really need to think of a way to change my image.
PS. Since my birthday is actually on the same day as mid-autumn festival this year, my friend decided to use a moon cake as my birthday cake. That is because some DUMB people think it is a "funny" idea. I am sorry, but that is not new. You guys did it before, but you probably don't remember cause you are OLDER than me. WAHAHAHAHAH!
1 comment:
so old. so very old.
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