I went to my ex-co worker's funeral today. It was okay, a bit shorter than I expected. But it was fine. Someone did a short summary of Ed and that is. From the speech, I found out that I really never knew Ed. I mean I never knew he is so smart. He skipped kindergarten and went to Grade 1 directly. He went to IB course and then got accepted in Harvard and Yale. But he loved his parents so much that he decided to stay in Vancouver instead. I didn't know that his birthday coming up and he is 2 years younger than me. I didn't know he has 2 older sisters. I just found out that I didn't know alot of thing about him from that little short summary of him. I was surprised the funeral is western style. To me, it was kind of relieved. I really don't like Chinese Buddhist style cause I felt that somehow I felt more devastating in that. Everybody cried loudly. It just had a stronger sense of desperation. Western style gave me more sense of peace and quiet. However, it was open casket. I always find it feel more sad when it was open casket. The person you knew who laughed with you and chatted with you before now whose body just lied there. I don't like that feeling. During the whole memorial service, I can't stop thinking what would happen if it was me. My friend once said she wonder how many people would go to her funeral. I don't know how many people would come. But I don't know if it matters when the person left. I like how main character in the book Tuesdays with Morrie narrator had his funeral BEFORE he died. He said why wait until you can't hear the nice thing the other people talk about you. It sound so wise. But in the end, I do want my friends to be there, in remembrance of me. Another friend and I promised will go to each other's funeral if we still alive. I hope we are still friends then.
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