Monday, March 26, 2007

Itchy Nose

My nose can tell you that spring has finally arrived cause I have been sneezing alot lately. After moving to Canada for 18 years, I finally got pollen allergy. A lot of people said that you will get pollen allergy after moving to Canada for more than 10 years. I thought I got lucky cause I never had much problem. I got tiny reaction from grass and plant, but that usually is problem when fall comes. And sometimes I sneeze in the morning abit but that is. The worst time was my arm swollen to double its size after camping trip and a week before attending a wedding. That time totally freaked me out and luckily it got back to normal size before my friend's wedding. I guess I finally use up my luck this year. Starting last week, I have been sneezing a lot, days and nights. I guess I still can't complain much since sneezing is the only symptom I got from my allergy. But I sneezed so often that I started to wonder if I got a cold or allergy. If I got a cold, at least I can call in sick. But now I still have to drag my dead body to work. Errrrrr.....stooopid allergy!

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