Wednesday, March 07, 2007

The Lost Tomb of Jesus

I am not sure how many of you watched The Lost Tomb of Jesus last night. If not and you are still interested, I know they are playing again this week. I actually find it quite entertaining, at least for the first hour or so. I can't believe someone draw a conclusion based on assumptions. The whole show is not trying to prove this is the tomb of Jesus. It is more like let's assume this is Jesus' tomb, and then see how all the 'facts' come in together and ignore other fact that doesn't fit in the Jesus profile. I actually found the most funny part is from the DNA test. They did a DNA test on bone sample from the tomb of Jesus and Mariamne (whom the director claimed to be Mary Magdalen) The lab concluded that the two sample are not blood related so they probably were married. I was like...hahahahaa..what sort of stupid conclusion is that. You can't use DNA test to prove the marital relationship. So where does that come from?! I actually found this show gave me even less doubt than Da Vinci's code. At least Dan Brown's novel brought out some good point for discussion. Anyway, here are more links on what others said about the show:
Toronto Star
Washington Post

1 comment:

John Wu said...

They came to the conclusion because for them to be in the same tomb. They need to somehow related to each other, either by blood or by marriage. I believe the professor who did the DNA analysis was interviewed by Discovery couple weeks ago and he also said he can't make that conclusion based on that. Also because he didn't have time nor enough sample to do another analysis to identify the gender of those two samples. So go figure, maybe it's the first same sex marriage in history :)

What I thought after the show? Religion is about what you believe in / faith. Politic is about control / manage. Shouldn't mixed them together, bad thing will happen.

Go Canucks Go!