Monday, October 31, 2005

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Saturday, October 29, 2005
Couch Potato Day Started

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Friday, October 21, 2005
Technical Support

So what happened? Oh, the router and the adapter died. And did you try another router? Okay, you did but it didn't work. And try installing different network card too? So now you tried to get the wireless network going? But your computer can't detect the wireless connection even though the router just right outside your room? Have you tried connecting directly to the wireless router? You don't have a cable? Get your boyfriend over. Okay, now you install the network card back into the computer and try with the cable. And Viola, it works! So the problem was with your long cable. I am so smart. What do you mean you don't want to change your long cable! Fine, you have connection now, you can leave all the cable flying around your house. Who cares?! It will become part of decoration anyway. I don't know how to fix the wireless network. I told you that already. Well, I already had my free meal and you got your connection back. I done my part. Ciao!
I had this conversation with my back lying on my friend's back, slaving her boyfriend to do this and that. I think I start getting very good at delegation. Wahahaha!
Tuesday, October 18, 2005

The Game

Sunday, October 16, 2005

PS. Today I think God did answer my prayer in an interesting way. A friend called and chatted for a quite awhile. She called me in sort of the right time cause she asked me the problem I was having (and geez, to my surprise, I can't believe she sort of figure it out) And I sort of need to talk to someone anyway or I know I will harden my heart (which I think still is) on the situation.

Friday, October 14, 2005

Thursday, October 13, 2005
Sworn Enemy

Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Where is My Hot Water!!!

Saturday, October 08, 2005
Food Critics

1. Crepe Breton (Quebec City): We had crepe for dinner the first night. I chose egg, mushroom, spinach, ham and cheese. It was alright, not the best one I had (I like the one on Denman St better) Sangria there seem to contain more alcohol than here, even than in Spain (if I remember correctly).
2. Le Petit Coin Latin (Quebec City): I had French toast for breakfast. It was not bad. Coffee is a bit disappointing though. I sort of expecting coffee in Quebec would be like in France, where I could walk into any cafe and they would be sooo good that make Starbucks coffee tasteless. Here, I rather miss my Starbucks.
3. Fondue place next to Le Chateau Frontenac (Quebec City): We had a fondue trio, which mean cheese fondue to start with, a fondue Chino (huh? Chinese?) and a chocolate fondue. I liked the cheese fondue, it taste less sour than I made it (hehehe..) a very mild cheese they used. The fondue Chino is some sort of meat booth you dip your raw meat in. It seems like hot pot, but it is not boiling booth. So we chose beef to be on the safe side. It was alright, not very tasty though. I always like chocolate fondue (mmmm...chocolate...). I hated that we don't have much place selling chocolate fondue anymore.
4. Schwartz's (Montreal): Of course I went for the famous smoked meat. It wasn't too bad. But I was never big fan of smoked meat sandwich. But it is still all good. Still good even we took our left over back to my friend's place and put in soup with noodles.
5. Fairmont Bagel (Montreal): Another thing I had to try in Montreal. It was supposed to be the original bagel place in Montreal. To be honest, I didn't like it that much. I had a fresh (still warm) blueberry bagel. The dough was too blend. I like Siegel bagel way better.
6. Jardin Nelson (Montreal): Another day of crepe. It was actually pretty good. At least their choices were more special. I had one with different kind of mushroom. It was good. I wouldn't sit outside again though even if it was nice and sunny. Cause the bee liked attacking my food and I had to eat very quickly so they wont' touch it first.
7. Royal Thai (Ottawa): They claimed to be the best Thai in town, and it actually wasn't too bad. The night I stayed in Ottawa was freezing cold (and walking in the dark over to the Hull side didn't help either) so I decided I desperately want something spicy. I had a chicken green curry with rice. It was a bit watery than I liked but the taste was fine. I was sooo hungry that I end up eating more than I should.
8. Timothy's (Ottawa): This probably is a coffee shop chain in East coast. They had a light mocha which I really liked. They used a different kind of chocolate that is not very sweet. I always like my coffee a bit on the bitter side. Too bad I didn't get a chance to have another one before I left.
9. Acqua Ristorante e Bar (Toronto): This is a restaurant I walked in at random. I wasn't planning to go to such fancy restaurant. The restaurant I was planning to eat at was all full and I randomly tried several places and they all said I had to wait for 30 min (what the....even for one person) and I saw this place is rather empty. I was beyond hungry when I arrived and the price looked reasonable (though a bit on the high side) It turned out quite nicely. I started with a vegetable soup which had a bit too much pepper but quite nicely done. Followed by a linguini with spinach and mushroom which was exactly what I want to eat. My stomach was going to explode when I finished. I was going to pass dessert but the waitress tempted me with the menu and the moment I saw orange dark chocolate creme brulee, I knew I just have to work out harder when I got back.
10. Spring Roll (Toronto): This was the place I want to go the night before. It was voted best Chinese, best fine dining, blah blah blah in Toronto. Result, I would say rather disappointing. Since it was lunch, I ordered a spring roll and a salad roll. The salad roll was fine, though the peanut sauce was not that good. It was not as creamy as I like. The spring roll is the real disappointment. One would think when you name your restaurant that, it got to be the specialty. They tasted fine, alright. But the best spring roll was when they were hot and crispy, and mine just ain't crispy enough. Good that I didn't wait for half an hour the night before.
11. Okonomi House (Toronto): This is an Okonomi house I found on my tour book. I thought it would be self made one I had in Japan. Turned out to be one that you sat down and ordered. It was not bad okonomiyaki, but it was kind of stupid that I had to order Bonito separately. So when the waitress gave me the box to add on myself, I added as much as possible. The taste was not bad, but I could use more sauce. A big part I like okonomiyaki is because of the sauce. The cook just put a thin layer on it.
12. Starbucks (Niagara Fall): This is definitely the most expensive starbucks I ever been. I never know Starbucks charge differently across Canada. Toronto is a bit more expensive than Vancouver, and Niagara Fall is definitely INSANE! IT WAS SUCH A RIP OFF! I thought I heard wrong when the girl told me how much it cost for a latte. For that price, I could get a latte AND a muffin in Vancouver.
Thursday, October 06, 2005

Hello Neighbors
- Please Lower sound, TV/RADIO VERY LOUD - MORNING & NIGHT
I was quite shocked to get this. First, I really don't think my TV was that loud. It was the usual volume that I have it on for last 1.5 years. Second, I just got back from my vacation for a day! And since I still suffering jet lag, I passed out before 10:30pm. No way someone can complain about noise by that time. The fact that my neighbor only left me a note without saying who he/she is, I can't even verify and see if it is really my tv. For all I know, my upstairs neighbor is pretty noisy too. I could totally hear his/her TV the whole time. And it was 1am in the morning! I don't know what I should really do. I talked to some friends today and some said I should leave it as is. Some said I should bring up my case to strata first. Only thing I worry is that if I ever apply to change to laminated floor, my neighbor may object. Some other friends said my neighbours must have suffered my noisiness for quite awhile. And when I left for my vacation, they finally enjoy the quietness they deserved. When I came back and my tv disturb the peace, they got all pissed and sent me the note. Errrr!

Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Harry Potter

Across Canada
1. Since I didn't travel with my usual disastrous friend (hehehe), no usual chasing a train or plane....though we did try to chase the bus once and I end up landing on my face and hurt my ankle. I was totally in shock when that happen. It was 5 days into the trip and I lost my mobility!!! Good that I could still walk around...though I wouldn't run for next while.
2. The screw on my glass somehow lost the first day I arrived. I have to wear my glasses with only one handle for 4 days before I could find some store in Montreal to fix it.
3. I didn't expect Niagara Fall area is sooooo boring. The only exciting part is the ferry ride. Other than that, there is nothing. It is like a cheap version of Vegas. A lot of cheesy tour attractions. I was so bored at one point that I was seriously thinking should I go into casino and play slot machine. I also thought about walking to the train station from the tour attraction area, which is a good 3-4km walk. A bus came back and the driver said he would be going to the train station after he finished going up town and I could tag along the ride if I want. So I end up doing a bus tour around the area :P
4. Even though a lot of people told me Ottawa is very boring, I kind of like the museum there. I should have spend more time there. I went to the Royal Canadian Mint which I really like the tour. There are lots of stuff about coin making that I didn't know. I didn't join the tour in Parliament Hill cause there is a session in progress. So I end up watching that instead. I can't believe people can make such long boring speech. I had to run after pretending to listen for 5 minute. I also really like the Canadian Museum of Civilization. It was very nicely done.
5. Quebec city remind me more of the small town in France, though I can't find any cheese store or pastry store in Old Quebec. And the coffee wasn't as good as France. I was a bit disappointed at that. I was looking forward that I could walk into any cafe and their coffee would be extraordinary.
6. Almost lost my wallet in Toronto and freak the hell out of me. When I went to the guesthouse that I was staying in Toronto, there is another guy looking for a place to stay. So while I talked to the host on the phone, I was clumsily flip thru my paper and stuff. She said she doesn't have another place for that guy to stay. I brought out my tour book and gave him a list that he could try around here. When I brought my backpack upstairs and settled down, I found my wallet was missing!!! I was sooo pissed. I suspect that guy I just nicely helped stole it. How dare him! I knew I could call my parents or my friend and ask them to pay first. But...but...errrr.....soooo annoying. Then I thought may be I should walk back to subway and see if I drop it somewhere. It is right outside the guest house. I probably dropped it when I grabbed the code to open the door. Ghew!
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