I sometimes consider myself lucky that my family decided to move to Vancouver. Or else I am pretty sure I will grow up quite a different person. I probably will never take up computer science. Another big part is I don't have to deal with relatives. Most of my relatives are in Hong Kong and since I am never keen on going back, I almost never see them (except that last couple years I have various reason that I have to go back). It is not like I don't like them, but there are always conflict between them. Since things became a bit complicated between them now, you have to be very careful what to say. It was easier back then cause my family was all in Vancouver. We ain't involved in any conflict and we always are the innocent bystander. Not until my brother moved back to Hong Kong, we began to be more involved with my relatives. My brother already knew things were easier in Vancouver cause he only needs to answer to my mom. In Hong Kong, he has to answer to everyone. Living with my aunt is definitely harder than living with my parents. Parents can tolerate you in ways that no other people can (well, may be your spouse) but to relative, you are just another stranger living under the same roof. Since my brother always stay out late for work, my aunt wasn't particular happy with him disturbing her sleep. Things became edgy between them and in the end my aunt asked my brother to move. It took my brother awhile to look for a place too. During that period, things ain't that great between them. My brother started getting upset and hurt. I understood my aunt not happy about her life getting disturbed, but I also felt hurt that my brother got kicked out. It has been hard for him to move back all by himself. And now my relatives abandoned him too. Well, at least he finally found a place and moving there real soon. Things should definitely get better after that.
1 comment:
I can totally understand the whole complication about relatives. I am the same thing too - after coming to Van I'm not as close to my relatives as before. Plus sometimes I'm not sure exactly what i'm supposed to say and not say to them, eventually I don't communicate much to them anymore...
There's just difference between immediate family and *just* relatives. And that also makes me envious of those families where the relatives/cousins/aunts are *really* like a whole big familiy.
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