Hello Neighbors
- Please Lower sound, TV/RADIO VERY LOUD - MORNING & NIGHT
I was quite shocked to get this. First, I really don't think my TV was that loud. It was the usual volume that I have it on for last 1.5 years. Second, I just got back from my vacation for a day! And since I still suffering jet lag, I passed out before 10:30pm. No way someone can complain about noise by that time. The fact that my neighbor only left me a note without saying who he/she is, I can't even verify and see if it is really my tv. For all I know, my upstairs neighbor is pretty noisy too. I could totally hear his/her TV the whole time. And it was 1am in the morning! I don't know what I should really do. I talked to some friends today and some said I should leave it as is. Some said I should bring up my case to strata first. Only thing I worry is that if I ever apply to change to laminated floor, my neighbor may object. Some other friends said my neighbours must have suffered my noisiness for quite awhile. And when I left for my vacation, they finally enjoy the quietness they deserved. When I came back and my tv disturb the peace, they got all pissed and sent me the note. Errrr!
1 comment:
yes, definitely talk to the strata. your neighbor might've already complained to them before sending you a note. (though this is unlikely, since the strata would've talked to you directly instead of letting your neighbor leave a passive agressive "anonymous" note.) the strata needs to hear your side of the story too!
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