There is a Chinese saying that there is no sworn enemy in the world of business. I always find Chinese are so wise because that is so true. Someone sent an email several years ago on April's Fool saying that my company got acquired by our biggest competitor. There were quite a bit of reaction on that and in the end, everyone found out it was just a joke. Well, well, well, it wasn't a joke anymore. My company and our biggest competitor announced that they were planning to merge together. I think the news came in as a bit a shock to all of us, employee included. I don't know if I should feel "excited" or upset. I actually felt neither. My first reaction is whether I would still have my job. Seeing how last acquisition in my company worked, it probably took quite awhile to merge the two development teams together. So I guess I would still have my job for the next while. Next thought is, all my junk paper, mm..I meant my precious stock option, may worth something now. We still don't know how much it worth cause there is still legal issue to due with before the transaction closes. I was hoping that I could pay off part of my mortgage (well, I know I am being hopeful, but one could only hope). I read some info provided for us and apparently if your position is no longer required in result of the merge, you will be given a big compensation. If you are required to demote or given less responsibility than your current position, you can choose to not accept and quit and still got tons of money. After knowing that big, it actually makes me feel more calm. So I figured worse come to worse, I got my junk paper traded into cold hard cash. And then I will get more from getting laid off. That mean I could sit around and do nothing and have tons of cash for a short while. Wahahahahaha!!! (I know, I should go to bed now)
My guess is the Peabody staff should be most nervous. They are much more expensive, afterall.
And yeah, I remember that april fools joke. heh
I"m disappointed. I see you posting the Public Enemy logo, then you talk about companies "merging".
Chuck D. would not be happy about this. I should know. he emailed me once!
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