All my knifes seem to like my fingers alot. I got a Santoku recently as a Christmas present from my parents. I know it is pretty sharp and I had been very careful when using it. But somehow when I was chopping an onion, my thumb got in the way and I cut my skin open. It wasn't a deep cut cause I already knew I was clumsy with knife. So I have been going pretty slow. But I still bled a bit. And you never know how often you use your thumb until you cut yourself open. I already tried not to use my thumb to finish up cooking. But the blood just won't stop coming out. Every little motion seemed to pull the skin apart again and it bled more. I used up a lot of bandage to finish up making my soup. (I didn't bleed that much, but my bandages ain't waterproof and they kept coming off) All my other knifes attacked me before too. It was as if a ritual that all my knifes had to go thru before joining the team, the cut the master's finger ritual. I cut myself while washing my bread knife. Don't remember what I was cutting when I cut myself open using the chef knife. Probably cutting something. Even my pairing knife attacked me!!!
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