If how my morning started reflect how my year going to be, it is definitely not looking good. I was supposed to attend my friend's wedding at 8:45am. That's right. 8:45am in the morning on New Year day! I set my alarm clock at 7:30am but by the time I gained my consciousness, it was already 8:00am. So I had to run to the shower and kick myself out the door. I was in the last hope to pick up coffee before heading over. And I can't believe the downstairs Starbucks hasn't opened yet! Anything happen before Starbucks open is just plain wrong! I was so upset to wake up early and go anywhere without my coffee. Since I was running out of time, I started heading over anyway despite my crankiness. I totally forgot about the stupid RAV line development till I was driving along Cambie. They blocked all left and right turns. They only let one right turn between 41st and 25nd Ave. So I was doing Merry-Go-Around along Cambie when I was already late for my friend's wedding. When I finally arrived at the parking lot, I was the only car there. I got suspicious. I was only 10 minute late. They couldn't have left already. Since I already arrived, I may as well walk up to the observatory and see. I saw the wedding car parked at the other parking lot, so I now was sure they were still in the observatory. But the main door was locked. I walked around and couldn't find another door to get in. I started feeling a bit dumb to be the only one wearing high heel in the park. All the people around me were the morning exercise people wearing their runners. I gave up and started walking back to my car. I walked extra slow to make sure I won't land on my face. I don't know how some girls can wear high heel to go hiking. May be my high heel mastering skill is still not good. After I left QE park, I rushed to an opened Starbucks. I don't think I could drive any longer without coffee. On the plus side, I was on time for church. And I got a free gift card from the Starbucks guy (don't know how much yet though) So may be this year isn't a total disaster.
1 comment:
So you missed the wedding? That's gotta suck, getting up and ready only to miss out completely on the reason you got up in the first place.
Look at it this way Viv, your year can only get better from here.
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