I started to wonder if my lack of exercise has anything to do with my constant illness, or just I never really fight off the virus. I used to have headache all the times during my university years. But there were some years that I didn't have any headache at all. Now I think about it, those were the years I exercise the most. I slowly stop exercising and my body felt weaker. Or at least my constant headache seem to come back more often. I used to take pain killer so often that my friends would yell at me. I felt I am back to those days again. And this time the way that the germ worked is definitely weird. I had fever one night and sweating like crazy. And then totally fine for couple days. Having running noses for 2 days and used up all my Kleenex and then stopped all a sudden. I had headache for a day and then disappeared. But it came back when I coughed. And coughing was irregular too. One hour I was coughing like I was going to cough my lung out and then the next hour I was like a normal person. I don't understand the virus. Is it still the same virus or I was sick multiple times already? Does it have totally control over me that it can come out whenever it pleased, tortured me for couple days and then rest for couple days. Errrr, I just want to be healthy again, especially too many people around me were sick already.
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