Wednesday, January 30, 2008


No one in the right mind would go to Edmonton in January. Well, no one except me and two other friends from my church. We went to Edmonton to attend Christian conferenced called Breakforth. I heard this first from my friend in Edmonton. Since this is one of the bigger conference in Canada and I haven't been to much, I figured it was good experience (and I got free accomoation too :P) The conference turned out to be quite well, in a different way than I expected. I was expecting it to be a revival conference and I would come out like a new person. I didn't come out as a new person, but there are some interesting speaker that gives me inspiration. I particular liked a guy named Dan Webster. His session is about leadership, especially church leadership. May be I felt a bit lost on how thing should be done lately and I am not particular like how thing is. His talk set my focus back to the ministries. Everything is about the heart. I also really like the worship part. Those worship leaders can just bring the passion from people. That is what worship really is than just singing songs. This weekend I thought I would come back having more confirmation on my decision, but instead, I got inspired in a quite different way. But I do pick up my passion to do the ministries again.