A friend from work told me he dreamt of me last night. Don't even start to think dirty. He is happily married and has a daughter. And no, I am not his fantasy. (That would be pretty scary to even think about it) Anyway, he said in his dream, I was pregnant!

I was like what! He said I even mention my boyfriend. Hmm...pregnant and boyfriend, that doesn't sound good. My mom may disown me.

My first question is, so what is his name. My friend said he didn't ask. I was like, what! How could it be! If it happen in real life, you would have asked! How could you not ask in your dream! Fine, is he cute? My friend answered, I don't know.

How could you not know! You didn't ask?! In real life, if I mention I am going to an occasion where there are guys, you would ask tons of questions. How could you not ask in your dream? How could you be not curious?! My friend said, he don't remember. So I screamed and yelled at him and concluded that he is a bad dreamer! Later, the more I think about his dream, the more I think it means something. He is not at all curious about my boyfriend. He is not surprised at me getting pregnant. Hmm....he must subconsciously think I am fat! That is! That is the only explanation! Whenever someone we know is pregnant, we wouldn't ask if that person is pregnant, but we always said she is getting fat. So he thinks I am getting fat these days! He is so dead!