I used to like working in a dark corner where I won't get distracted by people walked by and there is no glare on my monitor. But lately, I start to appreciate my window seat more and more. When I first moved to my new seat, I really don't like it. Everytime someone walk by, I would look up. I got so distracted that I don't like it at all. Then when I look outside, sometimes I would have eye contact with people and I would feel embarrass as if I get caught spying on them. I would look away everytime. Nowaday, I really like my seat. Especially since this is almost summer time, I can look at university girls in their summer clothes

(And yes, girls do check out girls.) The other day, I saw two girls walked by in their mini skirt (And no, I don't know if they were cute or not. I was too concentrated on the skirt.) I kept looking and then I saw two guys walk pass them. Just when I was impressed those guys didn't check out the two girls, they turned their head after they passed the girls

See, that is a smooth way to check out girls. Guys, please learn. My friends and I were just talking about that the other days. All guys check out girls, but for some reason, most Chinese guys don't know how. They do it very explicitly. They would keep staring at you and make you feel very uncomfortable. Who would have thought this is not a skill you born with? May be someone should start a course.
taught by Dr. Gregory Williams, PhD in Robotany.
what?! are you kidding? I thought chinese guys are known to be more 'subtle' and 'shy'. I think you just hang out with the wrong crowds, wiw. :P
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