My friends and I went to a restaurant today. When our food came, one girl found that she ordered the wrong thing. She wanted a rib but she ordered a prime rib. She asked us what to do, but none of us never sent food back when it was our own fault. In fact, I almost never send my food back. I have friends who worked as waiters. Even my brother worked in a restaurant before. Gathered from all the stories they told me makes me a very good non-complaint customers. I don't want to piss off my waiters and my food ended up having extra stuff, like dandruff, or splt. If I don't like the service or the food, I just won't go again. My friend once sent back a salad because it was too spicy. The waiter said they could do something to remove the spiciness. After they brought back the salad, I was really not keen on eating it. I didn't even want to start imagine what they did to "remove" the spiciness. I also never eat the side vegetable in Chinese restaurant. If you see a carrot or cucumber on the dish, don't touch it. My brother said they never wash it and they do REUSE IT. I once heard a restaurant reuse white rice too. If the customer ordered a bucket of rice and if they looked clean, they will scoop it back to the rice cooker.
I made mcdonald's give me fresh fries last week. cuz they weren't fresh enough.
but I'll eat the prime rib, if you still got it.
Don't be silly, of course they will reuse the rice. It never came to my mind that we were not supposed to when I worked in a Restaurant. I remembered my boss even made us to have those rice for our own dinner. But of course, we would be very considerate, we would never do bad things.
And don't be silly, those dandruff or spits would never happen. At least not purposely! But you know, accident does happen. :P
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