I had part of my performance review today. The reason it was only a part because my complete review was supposed to happen next week but my manager wanted to tell me about my raise before I got my paid check. (Tomorrow is paid day!

) I was pretty surprised to hear that I actually got a raise. Originally I only expected a tiny amount. Then my friends who had their reviews told me that the raise range was even smaller than I expected. Since I think they did a better job than me, I knew my share started not looking too good.

I saw myself work harder before and I knew I didn't put my 100% last year. I couldn't say I would be surprised if I didn't get anything. But it is like going to a movie. When you didn't expect much, the outcome is actually not bad. My friends thought I got a big raise because I was jumping around after the review. I don't know what everybody got so I don't know whether that considers as a big or small raise. I am very happy because my manager is very happy about my job.

For the longest time, what worried me the most was his opinion on my job. I don't know what he thinks. I changed team last year and I lost all my confident ever since. I used to know where everything was and how things interacted and now I am all lost. I don't know how to work with some of my team members. Everything is so much more difficult to accommodate.

So when my manager told me he thought I did a great job. I am very happy. I am like a little kid who got compliment from the teacher. I remember my team lead used to give me gold star sticker saying "Good Job" or "Superstar" when I fixed something important. (More like he had those in his drawer and he needed to get rid of it!) I guess everyone likes compliment. It gives me a sense of validation. So people, praise me! praise me!
dammit, that's where my pie went!
nnnnnnnngh.....that's about as hard as i can praise you right now. :D now where's _my_ dinner? (heeheehee)
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