I went to Bites on Seattle with some friends today. But before we went to Seattle, we stopped by the new shopping outlet. I got a sweater but some of us got a lot of new clothes. It seemed that everytime we crossed the border, the biggest thing is how to smuggle/declare what you bought. If it is a day trip, you basically would be taxed on everything you bought. So the tricky part is now to hide what you bought. I remembered one time I shopped with my parents and we did declare the jeans that we bought and the customer officer said we had to be taxed on. It ended up more expensive than buying it in Canada. Ever since after that, we always wore crappy clothes when we crossed the border. So when we did indeed buy anything, we would put it on and throw away the old clothes. There was one time I went with a friend to Seattle to shop. When we came back, the officer asked us where did we go and what for. I told him Seattle to shop. He asked if we bought anything, I told him we didn't (which was actually true cause we were too cheap that day) and of course we were so suspicious. So he ended up searching my car. So today when I came back, I wasn't sure I should hide it or not. In the end we did declare what we bought. We didn't get taxed. We must be lucky somehow. Or it was late and the officer didn't want to do more work. Anyway, I ain't complaining that I got to keep my money.
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