I am not sure how other people are when they wake up. I would say I am not exactly the nicest person when I wake up, especially when I got woke up by other people. I am very cranky. Since I didn't sleep well last week, I planned to sleep till I am dead or wake up when I feel like, whatever happened first. So when I woke up by my friend, I wasn't exactly happy.

Especially I got called several times this morning already. I was thinking how could my friend be so persistent to call me. But it was some other friends. So I returned all the calls. I guess I must sound sleepy and my friend was shocked to hear I still sleeping. I was so tired and I said yes. She said how could you still be sleeping, it was 1pm. That was when I started to lose my temper (though I don't sound like it cause I was too sleepy) and told her to give me a break I was tired last week. She had to keep pushing and said what did I do last night and how could I be so tired.

Can somebody just want to sleep? This was the first weekend I actually get to catch up my sleep. There was another time my mom's friend called to look for my mom. I couldn't even be rude to her. But she kept saying how could I be still sleeping. When I told her my mom wasn't around, she hung up. Then she called again and apparently not pleased with my still sleepy voice and asked when my mom would be back. She hung up and called again 5 minutes later

and of course shocked that my desperate attempt to get back to sleep still. Why don't people understand some people like to sleep? You know as you get older, there is less and less time you can sleep till late. It was soooo precious that I could actually sleep pass 12pm today. Urgh! Next time, I will turn off everything in my house that makes noise!
1 comment:
why do you think answering machines exist, viv. just sleep. ignore phone. that's the way to go.
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