I finally finished watching the Japanese drama that my friend lent me. It was especially bad for me cause it was sooo good that I can't stop watching. And this week I was extremely busy with work. So I end up not having enough sleep. The dram was about politics in a hospital between doctors. There was a scene that one of the department heads got sued for malpractice and the other doctors had to cover up for him. Hence, they rewrote the patient's medical record and made up story. They each have their own reason to lie. Some wanted to keep their job. Some wanted to be a team player. But most just want to protect the hospital and didn't want it to lose its credential. I got so frustrated when watching it. Isn't a doctor's job to save people's lives? How could they value those over lives? Shouldn't they stand on justice side? What kind of doctors are they! I thought when someone decided to become a doctor, it was their dream to save people. How could they forget that and lose themselves? Then I realize, they are still human. I tend to forget they just doing their job. They are still human like us. Though saving lives everyday, they still have their own struggles and concerns. I tend to forget that and thought they are saints or something. People in the fields that save people's lives make us think they are hero. They should value other people's live over their own. But in the end we are all human. How could I expect others to do more than I would?!
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