I bet there must be a monster living in my house. And it is secretly eating all my socks and books. I was packing tonight for my trip to Kelowna this weekend. Since I am preparing to be anti-social, I have to bring my book with me. I thought about bringing Harry Potter (not the newest one, but the last one. I stopped reading it for awhile since some stupid people decided to ruin it for me and told me what happen!!!), but I think that would be too heavy to carry around with me. So I decided to bring the one I brought with me to Tofino. Though I haven't started on it, I don't want to reading too many books at the same time. But I can't find it in my place. How hard could it be! There are only certain places I would usually put my books but it is not there! And my place is not that big, so I can't even imagine where to hide it. I searched every piece of my house and it is nowhere to be found. Urrrgh! So I conclude there must be a monster hiding in my closet / under my bed and secretly eating my books away. Same as the sock eating monster living in my washer. How else you can explain my missing sock! I swear I put both of them in the washer!
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