My friend who is getting married in Sept said some of his friends asked if his wedding banquet is a Christian one. We were all surprised and asked what is a Christian banquet. I supposed that would mean doing a prayer in the beginning. I can't imagine the food would be any different. My friend explained and said they referred to the games. They said if it is a Christian banquet, then the games shouldn't be x-rated. So no rolling egg thru pant, no using mouth to eat the candy on the bride's body, no fun! Basically, any touching is a big no no. My first reaction was to ask my friend if he is allowed to sleep with the bride that night. And I guess there will be no hugging so my friend should kiss the bride without touching her. Wait, not even kissing. That is touching as well. I wonder if you are allowed to hold hand or hug your girlfriend if you are a Christian. I can understand if he or his fiancee are shy or traditional and request not to have x-rated games. But called that a Christian thing, it seems a bit overboard. Another friend who is a Catholics said he never heard such a thing before. I think we like to impose our person values or altitude and called that Christian way, even if it is not from bible. Or like in this case, people just magnify on one point and add more rules around it. Sound like we are Pharisees. I wonder if eventually we will follow the Sabbath rule again. You only allowed to carry certain weigh to certain distance. If you walk more than 1 km, you break the rule. If you work on Sunday, you will stone to death. Woohoo, no more OT for me then!
1 comment:
what's all this 'no touching' at a christian wedding stuff??? that's weird. the whole point of getting married is so you can say goodbye to that whole 'no touching' rule in general, no? at least that's what this boy's catholic upbringing taught him. and every wedding I've been to, there's lotsa kissing. and garter throwing. and stuff like that.
I think you're right about there being a lot of hybrid christianities. maybe it helps save the environment like the hybrid cars?
if there's one thing I've learned through all my sunday school lessons and church goings... it's that I'll probably go to hell. so many sins. so many.
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