Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Suicidal Attempt
I ran into my friend while driving to work today. It was very unusual for me to run into people like that. I was driving along Marine Drive at my usual time to go to work (well, that mean I was late again) When I passed Fraser, I saw my friend waiting beside a bus station. I was msning with my friend last night and she said she needed to go to work early. I thought, geez, going to work after 10 was so not early. So I called my friend to tease her about it. She answered and said she just had a car accident and if it was okay for me to drive her to work. I was wonder she was waiting at a bus stop that was not closed to her usual route. Apparently when she was parking her car at work, she was absent minded and stepped on the wrong pedal. Instead of backing up, she went straight ahead and fell down a slope in front of her and crashed into an unused railway. She is physically fine, just a bit startled. But her front bumper fell out. It almost sound like she was trying to suicide but not very successful. Since she was okay, I started laughing at her. She even needed to call a cop cause her car may stuck and the tow truck won't able to get her car out. Of course I run late at work. My manager teased me about it. I have to explain but it almost sound like I made this story up. But it is true! My friend did stupid enough to do that!
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Burnt Bun = Me!
After my long weekend, I finally got back to work today. When I run into my coworker, first thing he said was, "wiw, you look like you got some sun this weekend." I was like, "no way, you serious? A@#*$(@#*%)@#*" Given that I already a bit dark to start with, I am sure I must be burnt now. My coworker said, "no no no, it was good, you look healthy." I almost start crying. I know I probably would catch some sun on the weekend, but I already extra careful and pile on sunscreen like crazy. I thought I didn't get that dark. Don't get me wrong. I love having tanned skin. But I also have horrible experience attending wedding and I am the darkest asian girl. I look like Philipino at my friend's wedding. I didn't know I was that dark until I stood next to a group of "white" asian girls. While putting on make up make the other girls look extra white, I look like a mossed chocolate. All my friends laughed after looking at the pictures. They said I definitely look like a slave. It was a tramatized experience. I tried to not repeat it again. This year, I thought I was pretty good. Since I sprained my ankle, I can't play any tournament. So I wasn't in the sun that long most of the time. I guess I am an easy to get tanned person. May be I should buy those asian visor to block the sun. Or carry an umbrella. Errrrrr....
Monday, August 29, 2005
Went on a kayak trip with some friends on the weekend. It is the first time I went on kayak camp so I was a bit nervous. I don't even know how to pack. The capsize practice made me feel a bit better cause I know what to expect in case a kayak flipped. But I still not keen on falling into cold sea water. The first day was a bit windy. So the water is a bit rough. I must look pretty worried so my friend put me in a bigger kayak. So it was pretty stable, though it took more work to move the kayak. But I sure don't mind. I always have a feeling that I don't do much paddling. It was the guy at the back who do all the work. I just sat there and pretend I am paddling as well. Since I don't know what to expect from the trip, I thought it would be like backcountry camping. We would paddle to some island with nothing on it and camp there. Apparently I was wrong. The campsite we went to is pretty develop. Well, at least it has fresh water and a toilet (come on, of course not a flush toilet). But having fresh water is already out of our expectation. Only thing we worry about is water supply on kayak trip and half of our gear is water tank. Another thing I worried about is I have to hold my bladder for 6 hours. I thought we would paddle for so long that my bladder would explode. Worried about going washroom, I may end up dehydrating myself or having a sun stroke. Good that we usually paddle for 2-3 hours and we would land on and island. I just had to make sure I don't dehydrate myself. This time I don't need to share tent with anyone. It was awesome. I could roll around without worrying waking up people. I can throw all my stuff around and as messy in the tent as I want. I sure had fun this trip.
Friday, August 26, 2005
Other than work is sucky as usual, today is definitely a good day for my stomach. I started off wanting to eat scone for breakfast. So I woke up extra early to go to a bakery around Kitsilano to pick up a scone. Though I was super hungry, I resisted to pick up the crappy muffin from Starbucks. When I finally arrived at the bakery, I found out they have waffle with different filling. There are apple custard, peach and cream and some other I forgot. I stood there for a long time, stared at the waffle, drooling all over them, and tortured between getting a waffle or scone. When I finally decided to get a waffle, then I have hard time deciding to get apple custard or peach and cream. I bet I must have stood there for 15 minute trying to decide my breakfast. When I finally got my apple custard waffle, it was soooooo goooood. It tasted almost like an apple pie but with waffle as the cover. It is not very sweet but nice. And it is warm. I was happily fed and went to work. Then, we went for lunch at a Hainanese chicken place. This is the place I always went to with my friend when we were in university. I came by the other day and saw the sign that they are closing down the end of this month. So I gather a group today to go there for one last time. Before I sat down, I already know I want to order laksa. It is the only place that I know that used two kind of noodles. I am disappointed that they are closing down. I don't know where else I could find such laksa. But I sure enjoy my lunch. My stomach is so happy that work doesn't seem as bad after.
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Fliperty Flip Flip
My friend forced me to go to a capsize practice tonight because of this weekend. We are going kayaking and camping. He wanted to make sure in case my kayak flip, I know what to do. At least I won't panic. I was really not keen on doing this. During all these times I kayak, I basically make sure I won't flip. Now I have to purposedly throw myself into water. That idea somehow doesn't sound very appealing to me. Not to mention I wear contact lens, so I really really really don't like being in water. And Vancouver doesn't have the warmest water to swim in. I was freezing cold last time even in wet suit once. And the idea of being upside down and stuck with the kayak and not able to breath hit the claustrophobia side of me. I almost suffocated from that idea. When it was my turn to practice, I really really want to run away. I know my friend won't force me to get into water (or they could and I will for sure cry) I could feel my body shivering too. In the end, I figure I have to give it a try. So I won't panic when it happened. I must look very worried cause my friends all watching me very closely. I tried to tip my kayak and practiced how to regain balance. When I was least expected, I flipped and fall into the water. I immediately flow out of kayak and my head was out of water. The water was a bit cold but not too bad. But I did have a bit of shock. I even yelled at my friend for talking too much besides me. He could tell I was not impressed swimming in the cold water (oops....I don't remember this happen, he must be dreaming) When I tried to get back on the kayak, it took me several tries to get it. I kept losing balance and almost flipped again. In the end, I did get back to it successfully. The whole flipping was actually kind of fun. Seem like I was always scared by my imagination.
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
A friend just had his stag last weekend. The one that I got invitation to but I couldn't make it because I went away. My friend told me he was very uptight about this whole thing because of his religion. He was afraid the guys may go overboard and it would be against his religious belief. When I organized my friend's stagette, it never cross my mind about it may cross the line. We tried to make sure we plan something that would embarrass the bride-to-be, but she wouldn't be mad and walk away. We still want her to have fun that night. I never even thought about whether my behaviour was appropriate or not. I guess back then it wasn't big issue for me cause I was only a seeker. But even if I think back, if my friend getting married now, I think I would still do her stagette the same way. Some of the girls who were there did mention they didn't behave as Christian. I don't exactly know what is wrong. I guess we shouldn't get drunk. But I didn't exactly got drunk that night. I did get hyper and good buzz. May be we shouldn't be going all wild? But what we plan for her wasn't involved any touching of any kind (cause we were scared that her husband will kill us if find out). We even made sure what she was wearing covered up enough skin (again, don't want to get killed) I don't know how to behave is appropriate as Christian. Does it mean we shouldn't have fun? We should all be uptight and do nothing except bible studying? Are all the rules really from the bible or from us? I am lost now.
Sunday, August 21, 2005
I think I may start to like Okanagan area. Both trips I went this year were extremely fun. I once again had an awesome trip this time. I actually have pretty high expectation on this trip because I really want to get away. And what could be better than enjoying yourself in the sun and getting wasted? It turned out to be super fun too, though none of us really got drunk. We did go to a bunch of wineries in Naramata area. Problem with impulsive friends, we end up having 5 boxes of wines between 3 of us. Don't even ask how much I spend. So I guess for the next while, all my friends' birthdays, weddings, house warming, dinner party, I am definitely bringing wine as gifts. We were very careful about driving and wine tasting. We thought about walking from winery to winery, but turned out the distance between is pretty far. We wanted to rent a bike, but the only bike store closed down awhile ago. So in the end, we decided to take turn and drive around. But we did pace ourselves to take only sip instead of finishing up the whole glass (I know, I know, wasting free wine! but...I don't want to be drunk and drive) It is always good to travel with friends who liked to eat and would eat a lot. I always don't like eating with people who would get full after two bites, cause it makes me look like a pig. Good that my friends who went this time all like to eat. First day we planned to have a picnic on the beach, so we went pick up a whole bunch of grocery. We went to a farmer market and grabbed some apples and some tzatziki. We then went to the bakery and cheese store recommended by people to pick up bread and pie and cheese. But since we had big breakfast from the place we stayed at, we were not hungry till late. So instead, we had that as dinner at the b&b place instead. Life couldn't be better. The next day, since we were full at breakfast again, my friend and I just had a cheese platter at one of the wineries we visited as snack. and cheese, I don't know if I want to leave the place at all. Even the ride back to Vancouver was nice. My friend and I chatted the whole way. I don't even know I could talk the long. We talked about anything, friends, view on different things, personal lives, it was definitely good bonding. I got to know my friend so much better. I always enjoy a good conversation and it is definitely good way to end my weekend.
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Talked about temptation and avoiding opposite sex friends. I am going away this weekend to Kelowna with some friends, a guy and a girl. The guy is engaged to another girl who bailed on us last minute. I was all excited about going away (because work sucks! and I need to be away) and I am sure it would be super fun. The plan was to visit a whole bunch of wineries and get drunk. It never really occur to me that may be inappropriate till today. I was talking to some friends from work and when they found out that I am going with an engaged guy and his fiancee is not even coming, they all asked how come she is fine with it. And I still think why not. There is nothing going on between us. I am pretty sure we are like brothers (yes, brothers, not brother/sister). Then later tonight, when I met up with the guy for drink, he told me his fiancee asked where we stayed. The place we stayed at is called Simple Pleasure. I know, I know, it raised more suspicion, but none of us really pay attention to the name. We are simply innocently looking for a cheap b&b place! So his fiancee said (I hope jokingly) so he is going away with two single girls for a weekend, getting wasted and stayed at a place called Simple Pleasure. It was then I start worried if she is upset about this whole trip. I remember another friend once told me his girlfriend won't let him go on trip with another girl alone, not even me who is again like a brother to him. I wonder if my friend's fiancee is okay with this. I sure hope so.
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Throw Them Out!
A friend said that he needs to keep distance with his female friends after wedding because of temptation. It is better to avoid temptation than be tempted. A bunch of us gave him hard time on that sucky idea. What kind of loser is that dumping his friends! And he even plan to slave us at his wedding. So the basic plan must be we are his slaves for the day, and when 12 o'clock hit, boom, we are strangers to him. If it is me, I would be so screwed if I need to dump my male friends after I am married. Half of my friends are guys. The people I hang out with at work are all guys. If I am not allowed to be friend with them after, I will go crazy!! I will have to work all day and no joking around at all(and I already work the whole day!!!) None of the guys at work really treat me as girl anyway. I even got invitation to a stag. Some guys at work are planning a stag for one of the friends and they keep saying I should totally join. Too bad I am going to be away this weekend. Or I would. That would be funny. Another friend said that is the first time she heard about a girl got invited to a stag. The soon-to-be-married guy was hoping that having a girl show up would make the stag more tamed. I told another friend that and he said he won't want me at his stag. I would for sure come up with all the crazy idea to torture him. I don't know why the other friend think having me would make his stag less wild.
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Heart Attack
Today was not a good day. I think I almost die of heart attack. QA found some problem with the new build they were testing the hotfix. When they told me yesterday, I thought the developer already start looking into it so I didn't follow up much. But I sent an email at the end of the day asking for an estimate when would it be finish. This morning, I got a reply saying he can't work on it because he is busy on something else. And that is a priority on his list. (My mind was like what the @#*$(@#%@#*9, why didn't you tell me earlier?!) I start panicking cause there is not much people can work on it. So I replied asking if he could suggest someone else. I know two other people who may know how to do this. I asked one of them but the person refused to work on older code (again, my mind start exploding and @#$*(@#%@#*$*) I came down to my last resource, but I know that developer has been working on some other stuff last week and delayed the existing schedule. I am not sure I could steal more of the developer's time this week. That person first replied was what I expected, can't work on it because of the delayed schedule. I really run out of people that I could get them to work on the issue. I thought about bringing it to the VP and see what he said about priority. If he said it is okay to delay my project, I don't care then. But I want to work out something among developers first. So I talked to one of the managers and see if I could borrow the first developer, but the manager said no. Another developer who knows a bit of that part of the code agreed to take a look at the issue. I told him to ask the other two people and worked with them if he was not clear on the issue. In the end, another manager agreed to let me lend the third developer for the next few days to fix the issue. I was sooo sooo soooo relieved when I heard that. I almost die of heart attack when everybody refused to work on it. It is not like I could push the project later because there are customers waiting for it. This is so not a good day for me.
Monday, August 15, 2005
It is another day I woke up at 2am. After sleeping two hours, I was wide awake for no reason. My body was actually really tired still. But I just couldn't go back to sleep. I didn't exactly wake up for no reason. I woke up with a plan on some problem I run into last week on how to get extra QA time. Some high profile customer run into problem that support want a fix real soon. I can't get my friend to squeeze more QA to test. Worst come to worst, we have to delay some projects. I don't know how upper management would feel if we push back the project. Urgh! Why isn't my manager around when decision needs to be made!!! But I was sooo pissed when I woke up. I can't believe I dreamt of a plan and woke myself up. I was sooo physically tired from the move and yet, stupid insomnia. Last Friday was another day I woke up at 2am and struggled for awhile and decided to go to work early. Everybody was shocked to see me at work before them (and I end up leaving after them too) I was all cranky that day. Today, though I was physically tired, it wasn't too bad for me. I don't remember if I fall back to sleep. But I know I refuse to get up at 2am. That is way way way too early to get any coffee. Now I know why my manager could reply email no matter what time. His job is crazy stressful. When I woke up with a plan, I know I am getting too stress out. I can't wait till weekend so I could go away (and manager is back).
Sunday, August 14, 2005
Free Slaves
I helped a friend move today. He bought a place recently and chose today to move. I told him I could help but a small Asian girl can't carry much stuff (Hey, I am small compared to all his other friends!) I could be there and yell at people. He said I could help him babysit while they moving. Of course, at the end I got slaved to carry boxes as well. In fact, I drove his fish tank down to his new place. Though it is heavy, it still slide sideway when I turned. My friend already warned me about not accelerate too fast. In the end, I drove slower and slower because I was scared that his fish tank will fly out of my car and attacked the car behind me. I became a real Richmond driver, driving like 50km/h. But at least I got it to his house safely. I can't believe how much crap one person can have. I thought when I showed up to help, they would have almost done. But he actually able to accumulate craps that filled up two full loads of truck. I actually need to help load and unload the truck. I met his mother-in-law yesterday. I saw her at his wedding but I don't think she remember much of me. She was there to babysit his daugher yesterday. She told me something interesting. She came over and chatted with me. She asked if I am Vivian and I told her I am. She said she heard so much about me and I gave her my usual unimpressed look wondering if that is good or bad thing. She said oh no, it is a good thing, he has a soft spot for me. I was sooo touched (and kind of embarrassed) when I heard that. My friend isn't exactly the friendliest person and yet I know he like me (and I always take full advantage of that and totally abuse it) But hearing that from another person make me really happy. Wonder if he purposedly get her to tell me to slave me for free??!!
Saturday, August 13, 2005
I went hiking with some friends today. As usual, I wasn't sure I want to bail out last minute cause it sound like a lot of people going. And I was extremely tired from last week at work. All I can think of is to rest, sleep and rest. But then, in the end, I could kick myself out of my bed and decided to go anyway. I kind of want to wear shorts but my friend who organized said the hike has lots of mosquitoes. My last horrified experience of mosquitoes in wild is that you can't see anything. All you can see is clouds and clouds of black things. So I were very scared what he meant by lots. I decided to wear my jeans. Besides, it was a short leisure hike anyway. Worst case I would be so hot. I could lose some weigh from my legs anyway. I thought about wearing long sleeves as well. But I was scared I may die of heat stoke. Turned out that it actually not too bad. There were mosquito, but not swamp and swamp all over us. I forgot how much work on ankle when you go hiking. I forgot that you could go downhill and it would quite stress out the ankle. I thought it was a leisure walk so it should be rather flat. I didn't tape up my ankle at all. I didn't hurt myself, but I walked very slow because I was scared I would sit out another 7 weeks. And the fact that my left ankle was a bit sore from Thursday game doesn't help either. I didn't walk very stable. Guess I shouldn't go hiking for another couple weeks. Or at least I should really go get a pair hiking boots so I can be sure about ankle support.
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Another Me
I really wish I am the monkey from the Chinese novel Journey to the West. If you haven't heard of it, may be you watched the movie A Chinese Odyssey before. The main character is a monkey who knew a lot of tricks. One of the trick was that he pulled out one of his hair, blew into it, and boom, he created another him. Lately, I really need to create another me to finish all the work on hand. Since my slacker manager went on vacation, I not only need to finish my own work, and now I need to sit in for him for all the meetings he goes as well. Those meetings usually take up my whole day. And the time between my meetings, I usually need to catch up with the emails. I don't have time to work on my own things till after hour when nobody wants to talk to me. I end up staying late to do my own work. I promised tech comm that I would have something for them early this week, and I still haven't had time to do it. Now I know why my manager is always grumpy. No one can really do 12 hours day everyday. I got all stressed out this week already. I don't know how he can handle so many projects at the same time. Another friend already helped me with some of the projects. If he doesn't come back soon, I think I will become just like him, all grumpy and old.
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
If anything happened to me next two weeks, I must be murdered by some QA manager that I worked closely with. If it is not done by him personally, he must have hired a hitman or one of his coops to do so. Please make sure to report to police so that justice is served. Yes, second day into my boss-less day and I screwed up again. My friend even put up a score broad to keep track of my screw up record. So far, I have 4 (though I think the last point is unfair!!! and they are not willing to remove each time I didn't screw up!!! ) I promised support that we could deliver something end of Monday. And again forgot to consult with QA (well...he left earlier than me.....not and forgot to mention to him (well...after a weekend, who would remember what we said!) Of course when he found out, he wasn't happy at all. But he figure since I screwed up, all they could do is minimal testing and it is my call to accept the risk or not. Till the end of the day, QA didn't have a chance to finish up what they want to test. Though I think the fix is relative safe, I don't want an angry customer to blow up more. I checked with support and found out the customer won't apply the fix till September (Why on earth say Monday then! ) Of course I run for my life after hearing that. My friend warned me I am not allowed to promise anything without talking to him (How would I know it takes 2 days to test a simple fix! ) So today, I forward him email whenever I heard slight chance to have a hotfix. I started my msn message to him with "Now breathe deeply and don't scream" (and of course he freaked out even more upon hearing that) I think if my manager is not coming back soon, he may die of heart attack.
Sunday, August 07, 2005
Coffee Addict
Once again I got criticized of my addiction of coffee today. I got up a bit late and didn't have time to pick up coffee before going to church. So my energy level is very low. My social level is pretty low as well. My friends started to criticize me about my dependency on coffee, saying that this is bad for me. See, they never went to school with me. They don't understand how bad I would be without coffee. I can barely function. There was one day my friend and I were late for school so we had to skip my coffee stop. That whole day, I basically just moved my body from classroom to classroom. I found a seat, sat down and started sleeping thru the class. Then woke up, walked to next classroom, sat down and slept again. After that day, my friend always made sure we made my coffee stop no matter how late we were. Even when we went on trip, they always made sure I had my coffee. Last time when I drove to Tofino, they saw how "safe" I drove before coffee. They quickly found me a starbucks to make sure they could stay alive. I did try to quit before. Before I moved out, I tried to save money and did try to quit coffee for awhile. But it was so hard for me to get over the day. After several months, I gave up. I know it is probably more a metal addiction than a physical one. But hey, coffee is not that bad anyway. Even medical report said it is fine to drink certain amount of coffee each day. And coffee makes me a nicer person (I am all cranky without one) and function more normal. It is not like I would die from drinking it. I say I should be nice to myself and give myself a little treat to start my day.
Saturday, August 06, 2005
I finally had my hair cut today. It has been quite awhile that I wanted to cut it already. I finally finish all my bridesmaid duty and I won't have another one for quite some time. I guess no one really care if I have my hair short. The length has been annoyed me for quite awhile. When I play ultimate, it is all over my face. I didn't cut it too short cause I know I look weird. But at least somewhat shorter than the usual so my head definitely feel lighter. Probably save some shampoo and conditioner too. My mom always complain I used up too much shampoo. I have been going to this new place that the stylist can finish cutting in 40 minutes. I always not sure about her being this quick. I felt somewhat getting rip off. Usually it would take at least an hour for other stylist to cut my hair. The one I used to go to when I was a kid took at least 1.5 hour to trim my hair. You could say this girl is efficient. It is not like I like sitting there for 3 hours to get my hair done anyway. Not like she mess up my hair with that speed, but it sure feels weird when I can get out the salon within an hour.
Friday, August 05, 2005
Working During Vacation
One customer is doing upgrade this weekend. And they have been encountering problem so far. So we need people to be on call this weekend. And I am one of them. Though it suck to work on weekend but I didn't plan much this weekend anyway. It is either me or another friend. And since he will be moving next weekend, I am sure he would want to pack. Funny thing is we need soooo many people to stand by in case of problem. We need some senior developers who would possibly know more about different area of the code. We need two people to prepare the hotfix. So this weekend we have 5 people on call from the development side, not counting QA. When I was in my old team, it is either me or my friend stay on call. Only one of us is enough to fix the problem, prepare the hotfix, and do the build. It felt such a waste of resource nowaday. As for QA, it is once again my friend being the sucker to be on call. It is especially bad for him because it is his birthday this weekend. He wasn't happy at all. I asked him if I called him to work on his birthday, does it mean I can't be bitter about him calling me back on Christmas few years ago anymore? There was one Christmas he was testing something that I did and he found something wrong. So I end up working during my Christmas vacation. And I still remind him from time to time that he ruined my vacation. I came to a conclusion that as long as it is not me calling him this weekend, I could still stay bitter at him as long as I want.
Thursday, August 04, 2005
My ultimate team tried to field a team for the fall league. And once again, we are low on girls. We only have 3 committed girls so far and we probably need way more than 3. We have 10 girls registered in my team's summer roster but we still panicked for not having enough girls every game. I sent an email to my cell group. As usual, I got tons of responses from guys being interested but not enough girls. I really don't understand why. Do girls in general just don't like sport? Or the fact that they may need to play in the rain really turned them off? Even if we have girls showing interest, we never know how committed they could be. I talked with my captain and said we should really make the guys in our team forced their girlfriends and wives to play. Like going to a "bring your own beer" party. It is "bring your own girl" team. That way, we for sure will have enough girls. I know some other team will only take a new guy if they come with a girl. My captain was saying we should do that too. If you want to join to the team, you have to team up with a girl. Yes, we are a sexist team.
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Lunch Date
It is the x-th times me and my friend trying to schedule to have lunch together. It must have been like 2 months now. Each week something come up and we have to change our plan. We were hoping we could have some time to chat alone. A lot has happened lately so we want to catch up. And his birthday is coming up so I do owe him a lunch. Dinner is out of question because he barely has enough time for his fiancee. I don't think she likes me occupy more of his time after work. There was one week we could almost make it, but someone figured he was free during lunch and scheduled a meeting there. We finally decided yesterday that we would schedule a lunch meeting so no one can schedule anything in our calendar. I seriously sent him a meeting request to keep our calendar occupied. But then when I went downstairs to grab him to go for lunch today, my manager and his manager decided to grab us both to lunch. We can't really say no. So we have to reschedule our lunch plan again. I was afraid if we don't have lunch this week, we may not able to schedule anything for another month. Because my manager is away next two weeks and I will be swamped with work and I don't even know if I could take lunch at all.
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
The service I went this Sunday was very inspiring for me. I was struggling spiritually for quite awhile. I don't know if I can carry on anymore. More I think about it, more I felt suffocated from everything. I even talked to my pastor about it. I told him I don't know how much longer I could hold on without quitting. But this weekend service really touched me. The worship team in the Kelowna church consisted of people of different ages. There is an old man playing violin and some young adults playing guitar. Even a little kid playing guitar among them. They reminded me though we are all different, we all have one purpose: to serve God. It doesn't matter if we have different opinion or personality. We are all here to serve God. Our focus should be on Him. I lost my focus on people and got myself very frustrated. Seeing the worship team worked together helped me refocus. The sermon talked about brotherly love. They showed a video on how a dad and his son worked together on running marathon and triathlon. The son was a handicapped and he can't move by himself. The dad was never a runner. But together, they accomplish a lot. At the end of the sermon, we sang "Lean on Me". I couldn't help that my tear started coming out. I remembered my friends were always there when I need them. It was God's grace to put them in my life. I can't help but only be thankful for everything He did for me. After this trip, may be I could go on longer.
Bill Withers - Lean on Me Lyrics
Sometimes in our lives we all have pain
We all have sorrow
But if we are wise
We know that there's always tomorrow
Lean on me, when you're not strong
And I'll be your friend
I'll help you carry on
For it won't be long
'Til I'm gonna need
Somebody to lean on
Please swallow your pride
If I have things you need to borrow
For no one can fill those of your needs
That you don't let show
Lean on me, when you're not strong
And I'll be your friend
I'll help you carry on
For it won't be long
'Til I'm gonna need
Somebody to lean on
If there is a load you have to bear
That you can't carry
I'm right up the road
I'll share your load
If you just call me
So just call on me brother, when you need a hand
We all need somebody to lean on
I just might have a problem that you'd understand
We all need somebody to lean on
Lean on me when you're not strong
And I'll be your friend
I'll help you carry on
For it won't be long
Till I'm gonna need
Somebody to lean on
Bill Withers - Lean on Me Lyrics
Sometimes in our lives we all have pain
We all have sorrow
But if we are wise
We know that there's always tomorrow
Lean on me, when you're not strong
And I'll be your friend
I'll help you carry on
For it won't be long
'Til I'm gonna need
Somebody to lean on
Please swallow your pride
If I have things you need to borrow
For no one can fill those of your needs
That you don't let show
Lean on me, when you're not strong
And I'll be your friend
I'll help you carry on
For it won't be long
'Til I'm gonna need
Somebody to lean on
If there is a load you have to bear
That you can't carry
I'm right up the road
I'll share your load
If you just call me
So just call on me brother, when you need a hand
We all need somebody to lean on
I just might have a problem that you'd understand
We all need somebody to lean on
Lean on me when you're not strong
And I'll be your friend
I'll help you carry on
For it won't be long
Till I'm gonna need
Somebody to lean on
Monday, August 01, 2005
Long Weekend
It was a super fun long weekend for me. I guess my theory is right. When you have no expectation, the outcome is always good. I was totally preparing to be anti-social this weekend. I know people planned hard on the itinerary, but I was in the anti-social mood that I was planning to spend some quality time with myself on the beach. The group of 20 somewhat people made me feel very intimate and I am not that closed to some of them. I decided to play safe and be anti-social. But it turned out to be super fun. The first day was mostly getting there and went to some winery for wine tasting. When we went to dinner in Milestones, some customers were overwhelmed by 20 somewhat Asian showing up and asked where we from. Somehow we think they are kind of disappointed when we said Vancouver and not some place exotic. The next day we swamped a church for Sunday service. It was an awesome service. It reminds me a lot of thing and really speaks to me. We then went to the beach to hang out. Originally it was supposed to be just a couple of us girls who wanted to go sun tanning. But I guess the weather was too hot so everybody decided to come with us. The water is super warm (well, compared to Vancouver water) and clean. I swam a bit and found out that my ankle still not happy with me. Then, a friend got a football and a group of us played monkey in the water. It was pretty fun. The monkeys would attack and splash water to try to stop people from throwing/catching the football. Some girls even use finger nails to scratch their opponent. That night we did an Iron Chef competition as dinner. It was guys vs girls. The secret ingredient is corn. Of course the girls win (and I was one of the main cooks!) After dinner, we girls went back to our place. Some of us decided to chill and hang out in the living room. We were goofing around and making fun of each other. Couple drinks later, we were getting louder and rowdier. We got so out of control that we started opening one of the guys' wine (it was their fault storing it in the girls' place!) We started working on our story if he found out. I was so drunk that I don't know what time I went to bed. Actually, I was never in bed. I passed out on the couch. Not sure if it was hung over or lack of sleep, we are all pretty dead the day after. But we were also still a bit hyper (possibly still drunk cause it wasn't too long ago when we drank) We kept on fooling around when we drove home. Though I was very tired, it sure was a good trip.
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