I ran into my friend while driving to work today. It was very unusual for me to run into people like that. I was driving along Marine Drive at my usual time to go to work (well, that mean I was late again) When I passed Fraser, I saw my friend waiting beside a bus station. I was msning with my friend last night and she said she needed to go to work early. I thought, geez, going to work after 10 was so not early. So I called my friend to tease her about it. She answered and said she just had a car accident and if it was okay for me to drive her to work. I was like..no wonder she was waiting at a bus stop that was not closed to her usual route. Apparently when she was parking her car at work, she was absent minded and stepped on the wrong pedal. Instead of backing up, she went straight ahead and fell down a slope in front of her and crashed into an unused railway. She is physically fine, just a bit startled. But her front bumper fell out. It almost sound like she was trying to suicide but not very successful. Since she was okay, I started laughing at her. She even needed to call a cop cause her car may stuck and the tow truck won't able to get her car out. Of course I run late at work. My manager teased me about it. I have to explain but it almost sound like I made this story up. But it is true! My friend did stupid enough to do that!
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