A friend just had his stag last weekend. The one that I got invitation to but I couldn't make it because I went away. My friend told me he was very uptight about this whole thing because of his religion. He was afraid the guys may go overboard and it would be against his religious belief. When I organized my friend's stagette, it never cross my mind about it may cross the line. We tried to make sure we plan something that would embarrass the bride-to-be, but she wouldn't be mad and walk away. We still want her to have fun that night. I never even thought about whether my behaviour was appropriate or not. I guess back then it wasn't big issue for me cause I was only a seeker. But even if I think back, if my friend getting married now, I think I would still do her stagette the same way. Some of the girls who were there did mention they didn't behave as Christian. I don't exactly know what is wrong. I guess we shouldn't get drunk. But I didn't exactly got drunk that night. I did get hyper and good buzz. May be we shouldn't be going all wild? But what we plan for her wasn't involved any touching of any kind (cause we were scared that her husband will kill us if find out). We even made sure what she was wearing covered up enough skin (again, don't want to get killed) I don't know how to behave is appropriate as Christian. Does it mean we shouldn't have fun? We should all be uptight and do nothing except bible studying? Are all the rules really from the bible or from us? I am lost now.
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