A friend said that he needs to keep distance with his female friends after wedding because of temptation. It is better to avoid temptation than be tempted. A bunch of us gave him hard time on that sucky idea. What kind of loser is that dumping his friends! And he even plan to slave us at his wedding. So the basic plan must be we are his slaves for the day, and when 12 o'clock hit, boom, we are strangers to him. If it is me, I would be so screwed if I need to dump my male friends after I am married. Half of my friends are guys. The people I hang out with at work are all guys. If I am not allowed to be friend with them after, I will go crazy!! I will have to work all day and no joking around at all(and I already work the whole day!!!) None of the guys at work really treat me as girl anyway. I even got invitation to a stag. Some guys at work are planning a stag for one of the friends and they keep saying I should totally join. Too bad I am going to be away this weekend. Or I would. That would be funny. Another friend said that is the first time she heard about a girl got invited to a stag. The soon-to-be-married guy was hoping that having a girl show up would make the stag more tamed. I told another friend that and he said he won't want me at his stag. I would for sure come up with all the crazy idea to torture him. I don't know why the other friend think having me would make his stag less wild.
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