My friend forced me to go to a capsize practice tonight because of this weekend. We are going kayaking and camping. He wanted to make sure in case my kayak flip, I know what to do. At least I won't panic. I was really not keen on doing this. During all these times I kayak, I basically make sure I won't flip. Now I have to purposedly throw myself into water. That idea somehow doesn't sound very appealing to me. Not to mention I wear contact lens, so I really really really don't like being in water. And Vancouver doesn't have the warmest water to swim in. I was freezing cold last time even in wet suit once. And the idea of being upside down and stuck with the kayak and not able to breath hit the claustrophobia side of me. I almost suffocated from that idea. When it was my turn to practice, I really really want to run away. I know my friend won't force me to get into water (or they could and I will for sure cry) I could feel my body shivering too. In the end, I figure I have to give it a try. So I won't panic when it happened. I must look very worried cause my friends all watching me very closely. I tried to tip my kayak and practiced how to regain balance. When I was least expected, I flipped and fall into the water. I immediately flow out of kayak and my head was out of water. The water was a bit cold but not too bad. But I did have a bit of shock. I even yelled at my friend for talking too much besides me. He could tell I was not impressed swimming in the cold water (oops....I don't remember this happen, he must be dreaming) When I tried to get back on the kayak, it took me several tries to get it. I kept losing balance and almost flipped again. In the end, I did get back to it successfully. The whole flipping was actually kind of fun. Seem like I was always scared by my imagination.
yay you successfully flipped! this way when we go kayaking in the queen charlottes, i can flip our double kayak with you in it and not feel guilty. heeheehee!
you should keep practicing your flipping. until you can do an eskimo roll, then you never need to get entirely wet.
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