Once again I got criticized of my addiction of coffee today. I got up a bit late and didn't have time to pick up coffee before going to church. So my energy level is very low. My social level is pretty low as well. My friends started to criticize me about my dependency on coffee, saying that this is bad for me. See, they never went to school with me. They don't understand how bad I would be without coffee. I can barely function. There was one day my friend and I were late for school so we had to skip my coffee stop. That whole day, I basically just moved my body from classroom to classroom. I found a seat, sat down and started sleeping thru the class. Then woke up, walked to next classroom, sat down and slept again. After that day, my friend always made sure we made my coffee stop no matter how late we were. Even when we went on trip, they always made sure I had my coffee. Last time when I drove to Tofino, they saw how "safe" I drove before coffee. They quickly found me a starbucks to make sure they could stay alive. I did try to quit before. Before I moved out, I tried to save money and did try to quit coffee for awhile. But it was so hard for me to get over the day. After several months, I gave up. I know it is probably more a metal addiction than a physical one. But hey, coffee is not that bad anyway. Even medical report said it is fine to drink certain amount of coffee each day. And coffee makes me a nicer person (I am all cranky without one) and function more normal. It is not like I would die from drinking it. I say I should be nice to myself and give myself a little treat to start my day.
Mmmm, coffeeeeeee. If you're only having coffee in the morning, I hardly think you're an addict... But yeah, mmmm, tasty coffeeeeeeeeeeee.
yup, coffee is good for you. As long as u r not a real addict like fishboy, u'll be fine. :)
I like pork!
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