When you grew older, you think you will become more mature and wise. I think that is true up to a certain point, then you become more and more childish. My parents are good example. My dad likes teasing us a lot when we were kids. After we knew how to fight back, it is as if he find a good opponent, he teases even more! And my mom, once she was diagnosed of diabetes, she is like a little kid who keeps whining that she wants sweet.

Last week, my parents were both sick. When I went over for dinner tonight, my mom acted like a little kid and refused to eat more congee. She wanted to eat meat! She complained that she had been eating congee and veggie for whole last week and she wanted lots and lots of meat.

My mom is usually not a big fan of meat. She prefers to eat light and healthy. I guess eating congee for a week pushed her over the edge. So after a good 15 minutes arguing over the phone (more like I was screaming what the heck you think, meat! no!), we decided to go for a Chinese restaurant and ordered non-congee food. Once we sat down, my dad wanted to order curry chicken.

I don't know about other family, but for my family (possibly a Chinese tradition), when you are sick, especially coughing, chicken is a big no no. There was one time when I was sick, I secretly ate some chicken and then coughed so bad that I thought I would cough my lung out. Ever since after that, my mom kept saying "I told you so." So when my dad coughing and whining that he wanted curry chicken, I gave him an evil stare and said no. Then my dad said he wanted Hai Nan chicken. I screamed and said no. He finally gave in to the evil power and said he would have deep fried pork chop instead.

After struggling with my childish parents for a long time, we finally settled on some dishes that are not as healthy, but at least acceptable. I bet if anyone beside us heard our conversation, they would have thought I was the mom. And a mean one too!
1 comment:
your parents don't read this blog, do they?
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