I am having so many deja vu conversation lately. I was telling my friends my "collapsing" story last night and today some stupid people decided to remind me again. Instead of letting her making up things, I will tell the whole story on my side. So, one day I don't know what got to my mind that I decided to wear skirt to work (Yes, I know. I must be crazy that day!

) Besides that, I wore a high platform shoes too. They were kind of high but fairly comfortable. I could walk and run no problem. Here I was, standing outside my manager's room, leaning on the wall, discussing a fairly urgent problem with my manager, and moving foot left and right for no reason.

So we were talking, talking, and....I fell. I was standing and I fell!! My manager was laughing his head off.

And that is not the end of the story. A manager who started that day, happened to be in my manager's room too. And of course, he laughed hysterically too. He quickly run up to me, not to give me a hand to get off the floor, but to introduce himself!!! Can it be anymore embarrassing!!

And since my manager could never keep a secret, of course he had to share with everybody. So within hours, everybody in the office knew that I was standing one second and then next second I disappeared. I "collapsed". Not only that, one day when we had a phone conference with Boston office, my manager saw me wearing the "dangerous shoes" again and he had to tell the story overseas!!!

Ever since then, when he saw me wearing those shoes, he would email people and tell them to stay alert.
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