Yay, finally my eating day is back. My friend's wedding is today and my slaving day is finally over. I am free! I am free!

It started out pretty bad for me. I was going to go home and sleep at 10pm the night before. But I ended up stay out late and didn't sleep till 2am.

I took my bedsheet to wash last night too and didn't put it dryer. So I had to sleep on the couch.

I moved my alarm clock out next to me and set the time, but I forgot to turn it on. Lucky me woke up at 5am and rushed out the door. I had to fill my gas before going to my friend's house cause I didn't want to fill it up later in my bridesmaid dress. And then I passed by a Starbucks closed to 6am (which is when they open). I figured I had enough time to grab my coffee before continuing my journey to Surrey. I should totally complain because I swear they opened at 6:05am!

But I am glad to know that I ain't the only crazy one to wait for Starbucks to open. So with luck, I didn't get lost when going to my friend's. And I was pretty on time too. The day went on pretty smoothly. I didn't trip while walking down the aisle.

Nothing too chaotic and too out of control. I was holding all my friend's jewelry for the day. I helped my other friends before but I swore that she has the most jewelry I ever seen. I was so freaking out and holding on it tight the whole time. The guys offered to help carry stuff for the girls, but I had to refuse because I couldn't take the chance of losing it. My friend may know them, but I never met them till recently. And if I lost those, even selling me as a slave won't be enough. The day was long and tiring too. I looked pretty tired when it was dinner time (cause a lot of people asked if I am tired). But good that it is finally over. Cheesecake here I come!

PS. Out of all the make up artist that I tried out, I still think Jessica is the best. Her set up for hair is simple and decently nice.
PS. I know you guys will ask if there are cute guys (cause enough stupid people already asked!) Yes, the groommen are not bad looking. But one is getting married in 3 weeks and one is from HK.
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