What would you do if you see a car accident? Tonight I saw a car accident happened right in front of me. I was waiting in front of an intersection and looking around. All a sudden, I heard a noise and saw two cars collided into each others. I was stunned for awhile. One car tried to turn left and the other car kept going straight. Both drivers seem fine cause they walked out of the car. I don't know what I could do. Then, the traffic light on my side changed. Not knowing what I could do, I took off. I don't know if I should call the police if no one get hurt. Last time when a car hit a pedestrian, I didn't know what to do either. It was in the intersection too. Someone already called 911. Another person who seem to know first aid already attend the pedestrian. (My first aid license expired years ago.

) I am not sure what I could do except that my car was blocking traffic. Hence, I took off. I talked to my friends next day and they said may be I should call the non emergency line and told them I was a witness. I was going to call, but my dad said I shouldn't. First, I didn't see how it happened. (I usually look around when I stop my car.) Second, when I described what happened, I started with I saw something green flew over my car and....that was the guy's blanket. (I was just trying to add more tension and excitement to the story!!

) Tonight, I felt very bad for doing nothing, but...I really don't know what I could do.
yeah! this happened to me last year. i was stopped along main waiting to get close enough to turn right onto 13th to go to the IGA and then i saw a jeep just pull out without shoulder checking into the suv that was driving in the rightmost lane. i had just pulled into the right lane and so i saw the jeep bounce off the suv. it was weird. i totally knew it was going to happen since i saw the lady signal and was getting ready to honk in case she tried to pull out into me, but she just pulled out without shoulder checking right into the guy. the two of them turned onto 13th and they got out of their cars (they were both ok) and stood there before realizing they were blocking traffic, so they pulled into the IGA parking lot after me and i walked over and gave them both my number. icbc called me the next day to ask me to describe what i had seen.
i sure hope that lady too the brunt of the cost since she totally caused the accident. the guy in the suv did nothing wrong... if only he had driven past her faster!
i forgot to mention that the lady signaled a split second before she pulled out. you know, how some people signal while and not before changing lanes? yeah, this was the same thing.
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