I was very tired today. After dinner, I can't help but to pass out in my couch.

When I woke up (which is like 11pm), I struggled whether I should cook my lunches for the following week or I should wait till tomorrow. I bought all the ingredients already but making risotto will take some times and starting at 11pm seem a bit crazy. So I put it off to tomorrow. When I lived with my parents, my mom always complain I like doing chores at night. I could procrastinate to do dishes till late. Or if I feel like, I could bake something late at night. When my parents were away, I vacuum late at night too. After I moved to my place, I can't do some chores late anymore. I was afraid that I may be too noisy and annoy my neighbors. In fact, my neighbor knocked on the wall once when I vacuumed at midnight.

There was one time that I made tiramisu late at night. I was too busy that week but I wanted to make it for a friend before she left. But I was scared that my blender would be too noisy. And I was scared putting my mixing bowls on table and my downstairs neighbor would hear the rumbling noise. (I never ask my neighbor how noisy they found me, so I am not sure what can or cannot be done late at night

) So I ended up holding my mixing bowls the whole time. And I tried to be quick too. And I stayed alert to see if any of my neighbors banging on the walls again. I felt as if I am doing something illegal. I told my friend next day what I did. She said, hm...you do know you could put towel underneath your mixing bowl to make it less noisy, right? What! Why let me know after I finish everything!!
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