Wednesday, July 25, 2007


I don't know how to explain the term I used in the title in English but that is the best title I came up with for what happened to me today. So I decided to grab a copy of Harry Potter book 7. I didn't plan to do so this early cause I don't have time to read at all. But I am getting more and more scared that I would find out the ending unexpectedly from random people I talked to. So I decided I have to read it before someone ruined it for me again. So I went to a bookstore and grabbed a copy. When I was about to pay, the girl at cashier asked if I went to the supermarket next door. I was like, errr..nope. Then she whispered to me and said that it is way cheaper over there. I hesitated a bit because I was lazy and I didn't know how much cheaper. Since it is only next door, I probably should see if I can save a few bucks. Turned out it actually is way cheaper, almost like $10! I am pretty happy about saving money and I am glad that girl did me a favor, but her company probably wasn't too happy about that. :P

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