Wednesday, July 04, 2007

The Afterstory of the Nasty Email.....

So after that nasty email that my captain sent me, he sent me another one the day after personally. Explaining he didn't mean to be rude to add me in that email and he was just trying to explain things. I do feel better after seeing that email. Even though I guess it was probably my co-captain knock some senses to him, but at least it is "better" in a way. But I still want to tell him I was pretty upset about last email. So I draft up another one to him. This one more nicely written saying I am glad he emailed me again and I was pretty upset about last email but we are cool now. So whatever. But I wasn't sure if I should send it. Or I should talk to him in person. I mean the email tone is nice and sweet, a bit too diplomacy. After some struggling, I decided to talk to him in person instead. So today start off a bit awkward. I arrived but kind of late. So I quickly get into my cleats to play. Since the new girl showed up, he was teaching the girl on the play too. Eventually he came over and talked to him. So we had a quick chat on things. He said he know his tone may be a bit strong and he was a bit frustrated when writing that email. But he never meant to be rude. I was like alright. So we are kind of cool now. At least till end of season. I guess. :)

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