Today is a complete chaos. I went to work late (yes again, I know it is not news) and when I arrived, my email box overflowed. Support wanted a private patch released to customer for the problem that we were discussing yesterday. My manager and I were hoping we don't need to do the private patch, but apparently support was pushing for one today. And the biggest problem is, none of us know how to make the private patch. The only two people who know how to make one are on vacation. Third day into my new position and I already have this major crisis in my box. Other than jumping up and down, I don't really know what to do. Well, my coworker and I quickly look thru all the documents we can find. But they are not very helpful. Good that one of the managers who used to work on this is still around. Since my coworker went to work earlier than me and already started looking, he kept working on it while I deal with people. While he was working on that patch, QA found a major problem in the service pack they were testing. I was supposed to be involved and helped out in that project. But since I just started, I knew nothing what was going on. Once again, my coworker had to fix it up. I felt so bad that I couldn't offer more help to him and he seemed to be very overwhelmed by everything. Hopefully I am able to get myself up to speed soon.
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