One got to love Murphy's Law: When anything can go wrong, it will go wrong. Life is just full of irony. When you can't walk, you always find a parking spot that is furthest from the place. I went over to a friend's place for dinner tonight. Parking around his area sucks but I have been fairly lucky finding parking around his area. The furthest I park my car is a block away from his building. But not tonight! Just when I can't walk, I can't find any closed parking spot. I have to circle around several times to find a spot that is closed enough so I don't have to torture my ankle. And I forgot sprained ankle is sensitive to elevation. So that 2 blocks going downhill, I have to go soooo slow. I met up with my friends and we went down to a Korean restaurant for dinner. We have been planning to have that lemon so-ju. Being responsible driver, we figured we would walk to the restaurant in case we got drunk. And when you plan to get drunk, the restaurant doesn't even sell that drink. When we ordered the drink, the waiter told us that they sold out. The only person who knows how to make the drink already left. Since we already ordered our food, it was too late for us to walk out the restaurant. So we had our dinner unsatisfactorily without the drink, which is the main reason we were there. After dinner when I drove home, the parkade main gate was broken. I couldn't park my car back into the parkade. Now I have to park my car on the street for the night and LIMP back to my apartment downhill! Aiii..hopefully that is enough things go wrong in one night.
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