You may got stood up by your date, girlfriend/boyfriend, friends. But I bet you probably never got stood up by your acupuncturist. That's right. I got stood up by my acupuncturist tonight. When I sprained my ankle on Monday, I quickly called her to see if she was available that night. She said she was busy and told me she might be free the next day. But I had to call that night. Last night, when I called, she said she already booked up. Hence I asked her when she is available. She said since I preferred at night, she would see me at 8pm tonight. My friend thought I wouldn't able to drive myself back after the session and came over to pick me up. Since I haven't been to her place for awhile, I called and asked for the address. She sounded annoyed on the phone and asked if I had an appointment. I told her I did. She sounded even more upset now and told me she somehow quadable-booked herself. And I couldn't go now. I was like what! How could you do that! She said I could go at 7pm tomorrow. If I don't want, then forget it. While fully controlling my temper, I took the appointment and thought, screw you. It is not like you are the only acupuncturist around here. I remembered when I first see her, she said if I ever hurt myself again, I should immediately go see her. And now, you keep pushing me off to the next day. It has been 3 days since I hurt myself. I was so mad at her messiness and not care about patients. May be nowaday too many people go to her that she doesn't care anymore. My friends and I then drove around all the Chinese places and found if any acupuncture place still opened. It was a bit late so nothing was opened. But we found out several places that I decided to go check out tomorrow. I felt very bad that my friends ended up driving me for nothing and they had to come all the way from Richmond to Vancouver and back to Richmond. Urgh!
... that's what friends are for... for good time... for bad time....
I'll do it, Viv. gimme some needles and I'll stab you with them. really, it's no problem. I don't mind.
I will stab you, gwilli!
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