My parents finally came back from their vacation and I went to pick them up tonight. The first thing I said to them is not "welcome back" but "how dare you guys didn't call for a whole week". You see, when I went for vacation, if I didn't call them after I arrived, I would got yelled at for having them worried. So I always try to call as soon as I arrived. My parents usually do the same too. But this time, they never called. At first I thought may be they need time to settle down. But after my ankle incident and I really need to talk to them, I started getting upset at them not calling. After 3 days of not hearing from them, I started searching online and see if there is any bad disaster that I didn't know of. May be I was an uncaring daughter that something bad already happen to my parents and no one could have reached me. But nothing. Today they are supposed to be back. But we never confirmed on flight no and time. Before they took off, they said they would call me to confirm. Since I haven't heard from them at all, I just looked online and verified the flight still on time. But I am not sure if they are even on that plane. I decided to just go out to the airport anyway. At this point I became very anxious that I don't know what await me in airport. Was it something bad happen in Hawaii? Did they injure themselves? Why didn't they call? Just when I ready to leave my house to airport, my mom called me. They arrived safely and were waiting for their luggage now. Then I started screaming over the phone why the heck they didn't call for a week and have me all worried. When I finally saw them in person, I can't stop whining. Apparently it was a pain to call from their hotel, so they didn't bother. I used to find it a hassle to call home when I am on vacation. Now I know how my parents feel when they got the call from me and knew that I am safe and sound.
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