Once we learnt how to walk, we would not go back to crawl on the floor ever again, unless, your sprained your ankle. This morning when I woke up, the walk from my bedroom to the washroom was so painful that I almost threw up. I had to go back to my bed quickly and lay there for the pain to go away. I gave another try to put some weigh on, but it was way too painful. The hallway from my apartment to the elevator seemed a bit too far now. Even if I could walk down there somehow, there is no way I can bare the pain to walk to washroom in the office. And it would be pretty stupid to crawl around the office. I decided that I will stay home for the day. I crawled to my couch and emailed my manager that I am taking the day off. Sitting alone and not knowing how I could get myself to see a doctor while my parents away and my brother in HK, I decided to call my friends for help. I felt kind of pathetic now. I always think I am very independent. I guess lost of mobility makes me feel weak. I was almost going to call my brother to cry. And my house is low on instant food as well. I didn't stock up my food supply so I could sit at home pathetically this week. Today, I have to dig into my very last supply. Even though my friends told me to stay off some food, that is the only thing I have at home for lunch. If I have to stay home for few more days, I may die of hunger. And since I didn't prepare that I would injure myself, my house is lack of anything. I don't have even a tensor to wrap my ankle. My friend said she would bring it to me to work today, but I didn't go in. I asked a friend to drop it off to my house after work but he refused cause my house is out of his way. Only thing I have is ice, so I just kept icing my ankle the whole day. I found something I could use as walking stick so I limped my house with that. My friends were going to drive me to the acupuncturist but my acupuncturist was busy tonight. So they came to my house and dropped off some food and tensor for me. Another friend also offered to drop off tensor at my house after her games. Thank you guys. I really appreciate your help today. I do need the help and warmth you guys offered today. Thank you very much!
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